Page 101 of Wayward Souls

“Good, get them and follow Riot and Zeke to my place later. This is fucking war.”

“I guess it’s safe to assume the meeting with Grant is off?” Zeke asks, running one hand through his hair.

“Ya fucking think?” Riot snaps at him.

“Look this isn’t my wheelhouse man, sorry for stating the obvious,” Zeke snaps back this time, and I make it a point to step between them.

“Enough, both of you!” I snap as I finish bandaging the large gash on my arm.

“Sorry boss,” they both mutter at the same time.

“How’s she doing?” Riot asks, his voice cracks and I know he’s holding back a wave of emotions. They’ve become close recently, and he really cares about her. If I didn’t know he liked dick, I’d have killed him for the way he looks at her.

“I ran her a bath, she’s soaking right now. She hasn’t said much, I think she just needs a little time.”

“What the fuck happened before Hannah and I got in there?” Riot asks.

“I don’t even fucking know,” I shrug, pulling a stool up and sitting at my kitchen counter. “I turned the surveillance off so we could be alone. I only left her alone for a few minutes,” I mutter, running my hands down the sides of my face. “Zeke had the burner ready, I was setting up a meet with Grant. She heard me and thought I had turned on her.”

“Fuck,” Riot sucks in a breath.

“Yeah. I finished the call and was giving Zeke a list of some shit we are going to need when I heard her screams. I ran into the room and those two men were in there. They had to have come in through the fucking back.” It’s then that it dawns on me, how did they make it into the club unnoticed? There’s bouncers at the entrance and the back service entrances have biometric requirements.

“Zeke,” I start.


“How the fuck did they get in? I only cut the feed to the room, I didn’t fuck with anything else.”

“Give me ten,” he starts as he pulls up a stool and retrieves his laptop from his backpack. Setting it on the counter, he opens the lid and gets to work.

“So what’s the plan?” Riot asks as he strides over to the fridge, pulling out a few beers.

“We should wait for -“

The sliding glass door to the kitchen opens, catching my attention and in walks Hannah with Blaize and Arsenal in tow.

“Hey brother,” Blaize says, walking up to me and laying his hand on my shoulder. “How’s your girl holding up?”

“She’s a fighter, she’ll be ok.” I say the words but I’m not sure that I believe them. She’s terrified. I can see it in her eyes. This goes far beyond anything that abusive prick Liam did to her, and I finally truly understand. I hate myself for making her feel guilty for all that she’s done. I took it personally, but everything she did was nothing more than her attempts at survival.

Riot grabs a few more beers from the fridge and starts sliding them down the kitchen island one at a time.

“So what’s the ask?” Hannah pipes up, as she twists the cap off her beer and takes a sip.

“Well,” I look up and exchange glances with Arsenal and Blaize. The infamous Knox Brothers, leaders of the Havok Hills Reapers. “Are you with us?”

“Didn’t even have to ask man,” Arsenal responds.

“Thanks,” taking a deep breath, I start in, “Zeke here is trying to find out how they got in tonight, and I-“

“Holy shit, man! I got it,” Zeke jumps up from the stool and waves me over. “Come check it out.”

He’s pumped, grinning like an excited kid. Moving around the kitchen island I make my way over to him and look over his shoulder.

“What am I looking at?”

“Alright so here, cameras OA and OB,” he points to the view of two exterior cameras. The footage is from earlier in the day, prior to the party. “See that bag on top of the boxes from the delivery drop off?”