Page 100 of Wayward Souls

“What do you mean? Heard what?”

“Y-you promised me to him. You made a deal with the devil.”

I can feel my heart breaking at her words. Everything happened so goddamn fast. I was in the hallway, putting the wheels in motion so we could carry out the plan. I was setting the trap, and Grant was taking the bait hook line and sinker. But she must have heard something. I don’t know what she heard, but it’s not what she thinks.

Blood streams down her face from a laceration at her hairline. Her dress is ripped, her knees are scraped and she might be shaking, but she holds the gun in my direction with intent. From the short distance, I can see her finger trembling over the trigger.

She thinks I sold her out.

“Spencer please, just listen, it’s not what you think,” I plead with her.

Her wild gaze shifts from me, to Riot, to Hannah, and back again.

“Don’t look at them baby, look at me. Just look at me,” I inch closer. I have to believe she doesn’t have it in her to pull the trigger right now. She’s panicking, and she just needs to come down.

“I s-said back,” her voice cracks, and it lets me I know I’m getting through to her on some level.

“Eyes on me baby, it’s just me and you. I- I don’t know what you heard but it’s not what you think. I promise.”

“I heard it, I heard every word,” she croaks and her voice becomes a whisper. “Y-you told him you have what he’s looking for. Y-you set up a meet.”

“It’s a trap baby. A trap.”

“No, no,” she shakes her head and pinches her eyes closed. “I heard you, you were going to give me up.”

On both knees, I inch closer to her, not stopping until my chest is pressed against the muzzle of the gun.

“Look at me Spencer. Look at me. Give me the gun.”

Her eyes snap open, and a tear rolls down her cheek but she doesn’t move.

“Remember what I said? I’d give my life for you.” I look into her eyes, begging and pleading with my own, “It’s me, trust me Spence. Trust me.”

Reaching forward, I wrap one hand around the barrel of the gun.

“S-stop,” she stutters. “I can’t Travis, I can’t.”

“You’re not. You’re not going anywhere. It’s just me and you baby. Me and you.”

A strained sob wretches from her throat as she drops the gun and presses her eyes closed again. Her shoulders fall and I quickly stick the gun into the back of my waistband before reaching out and wrapping my arms around her.

She cries quietly against my chest, and I pull her in close. Turning my head, I look over my shoulder at Riot and Hannah.

“Shut the shit down tonight. Riot, call for cleanup. I’m taking her home.”

“Boss, what about-“ Riot starts.

“Yeah I know. After the place is cleared out, grab Zeke and meet me at the house.”

Sliding one arm beneath her knees, I scoop Spencer into my arms, holding her against my chest. Pushing up to a stand, I walk toward the door.

“By the way, Han?”

“Yeah Trav?”

“The guys, are they in?”

She nods.