Page 102 of Wayward Souls


“Ok, stay with me,” he types something into the keyboard, clicks around and pulls up two more views. “Alright so IA and IB, both are views from afterward, the delivery was dropped off in the unlocked storage room. Now look at the views from tonight. See those two guys hanging around by the corner of the stage?”

I nod in response.

He speeds up the view, “Watch.”

Playing the recording in fast forward, I watch the guys duck into the back and grab the bags before slipping into one of the private rooms just as a dancer was leaving. Zeke switches to the surveillance in the room and the guys strip their half masks and suits, the bag from the shipment is in the room, and they quickly dress in their black cargo pants, black t-shirts and ski masks. They aren’t facing the cameras so we never see their faces. As they head for the rear exit, I see something on the neck of the big guy.

“Hey, stop. Back it up a few frames.” Zeke does as he’s asked and I point to the screen, “Zoom.”

“Shit,” he whispers.

“Syndicate?” I ask.

“100 percent, and from the looks, it’s definitely the Silversun Valley charter.”

On the man’s neck is a serpent tattoo in the shape of an S, encircling a sun.

“Okay,” I bark, with a renewed fervor. We know this is Grant’s doing. We know we are compromised, so now we need to kick the plan into high gear. How could I be this stupid and careless? Han warned me. She fucking warned me that even if I thought I was ahead of Grant, the Syndicate was probably ten steps ahead of me, and she was right.

“What do we know about the Syndicate and their connections in Silversun Valley? Businesses, known members, safe houses? Anything is going to help.”

Hannah clears her throat, “I need a minute, but I can get the locations of all 6 valley safe houses for you. That’s probably our best bet. Grant is going to be locked down given everything that’s going on.”

I raise an eyebrow at her.

“Don’t fucking ask, Travis. Another life, and no I’m not giving up my source.”

“Fine,” I grit as she turns and walks away, stepping out onto the back porch for some privacy.

“So I’m thinking we start with the safe houses?” Turning my head, I look over at Zeke, “If Hannah gets the addresses, can you get us into the surveillance at each location?”

“Yeah, their hacker is good, really good, but give me some time. I’ll get it done.”

“Good, we’re gonna need earpiece communications devices so we can stay linked up, enough for all of us.”

Turning to Riot, I bark out my next order, “Weapons. Stock the fuck up. Glocks, semi’s, knives, holsters, gas canisters, and bulletproof vests. We have a lot of it stocked in our warehouses already, but get it all in one safe place.”

“Where do you want it all boss?”

“Fuck, I don’t know. Afterlife is compromised, we need somewhere they won’t think to look.”

Arsenal clears his throat, “Bring it all down to our warehouse on 83rd Street.”

Blaize shoots him a look and releases a low growl.

“Bro, it’s for his girl. If we can put the Reaper and Brotherhood shit aside enough to work together, we can put it aside enough to let him on our turf.”

“Fine,” Blaize grits.

Arsenal turns to face me, giving me a cheesy grin. “See, fine. So like I said, 83rd Street warehouse. We can set up shop and game plan from there.”

Nodding my head, I raise my hand and fist bump Arsenal. Everything they’ve done for us has not gone unnoticed. At this rate, I owe them a debt I could never possibly repay. I know they say it’s all part of the truce, our alliance, but I’m not sure I’m a believer yet. Part of me is nervous about what I’ve sold my soul to when they decide to come knocking, to cash in on what I owe them. But right now all that matters is squashing Grant Maddox.

“Alright, I got the addresses,” Hannah comes back into the kitchen, quietly closing the sliding glass door behind her.

I point at Zeke and she walks over, reading him off the information as he plugs it all into his computer.