“I just . . . I mean . . . are we telling people? If we go to quiz night do you want me to act the same? Or can I touch you . . . and what about my Little? Only Loki knows about that side of me.”

“All right,” Remy said. “Well, I can answer the first part from my perspective. And that’s that I would never hide my feelings about you. I want everyone to know. About you and I. The three of us. But if that’s something the two of you want to keep quiet, I’ll respect that.”

He didn’t sound happy about it, though.

She glanced up at Loki who grinned down at her. “Tink, you know I’m not going to be able to keep it a secret.”

Relief filled her. “I don’t want to hide how I feel about either of you.”

“Good. That part is settled,” Remy said. “As for your Little. That’s up to you, baby.”

She pressed her fingers together, twisting them. Remy laid his hand on hers, stilling her fingers while Loki lightly squeezed the back of her neck.

“I think I’m ready to tell people. It’s hard for me not to worry about what people might think. My dad and stepmom were always concerned with other people’s opinions. But no one I care about will judge me.”

She knew that.

“Of course they won’t,” Loki said. “And I’d kick their asses if they did.”

Yeah, she knew he would.

“And you can feel free to slip into Little headspace whenever you want. I mean, there might be some circumstances where it would be better not to,” Remy said. “But I personally want to see more of Isa-Bee.”

“Definitely,” Loki said.

All right, then.

“Let’s go, then. We got some shopping to do! Can I gets a giant octopus?”

“We’ll see,” Remy said.

“Whatever you want, Tink,” Loki whispered to her.

She hugged him tight. She was so glad that Remy was able to talk him out of storming off after whoever fired those shots.

While it worried her that someone was firing a gun close to their house, she didn’t want Loki running off after them.

She couldn’t live without Loki.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later,she stepped into the barn next to Aunt Marie’s house. Isa had never had reason to come here, although she knew Aunt Marie. Everyone in the area did.

She’d greeted Loki with a big hug and then left them to it, telling them to buzz for her when they were ready.

Of course, the fact that she’d been naked was probably something they should have warned Remy of.

“That . . . that woman was naked.” Remy gave them both a shocked look.

“Ahh, yeah. She’s a nudist.” Loki shared a look with her. “We probably should have warned you about that.”

“Or come on a Monday,” she added. “She wears clothes on a Monday.”

“Of course,” Remy said. “Makes perfect sense.”

She giggled at his sarcasm before she moved further into the store. “This place is awesome.” It was surprisingly bright due to the skylights in the roof. Ahead of them were Little clothes and toys for a range of sizes.

Onesies and dress-ups. Skirts and tops and shorts and pants.