“Yep.” Loki turned to look back at her, frowning slightly. “Tink? You okay?”

Remy glanced into the rearview mirror. “Baby, what’s wrong? Are you still feeling tired?”

She was. Last night was catching up with her. And she’d been a bit breathless earlier when she’d walked to and from the treehouse. Which was kind of worrying since it wasn’t that far from the house. She’d been so busy trying not to show how tired she was that she’d tripped over a silly tree root.

“I’s okay,” she mumbled around her thumb.

“We should have brought her pacifier and a blanket,” Loki said.

“Or put her down for that nap before coming here,” Remy said.

“I don’ts need a nap,” she protested. Not that she had anything against naps. But she didn’t want to miss a moment of being with them. Remy would have to go home tonight and she didn’t like that.

One bit.

“Are you nervous about going to Aunt Marie’s, Isa-Bee?” Loki asked, correctly guessing that she was moving into Little headspace.

Calling her Isa-Bee nudged her over the edge she’d been clinging to.

“Maybe,” she said.

Remy pulled off to the side of the road.

“I’s okay!” she said with alarm. “I wants to go!”

“Hey, it’s all right,” Remy said soothingly. “We’re still going to go. But I think Loki should hop in the back with you and keep you company.”

Oh. Well. That did sound nice.

Loki climbed in the back and slid over to where she was sitting.

“Seatbelt,” she reminded him. Since both men seemed to have an obsession with doing up her seatbelt for her.

He buckled it in and then drew her close, wrapping his arms around her. She breathed him in. He felt like . . . home.

Loki had always been her home.

“Okay, Tink?” he asked, brushing her hair off her face.

She noticed that Remy hadn’t started driving again.

“I’m good.”

“You seem anxious. We don’t have to go to Aunt Marie’s,” he said.

“No, I want to. It’s just . . .”

“Just what?”

“I don’t really know the rules . . . for being out in public. I mean, I know it’s not really public. Aunt Marie will let us have the place to ourselves. But am I allowed to touch you both? What if I slip into Little headspace? Is that okay? Or will I embarrass you?”

To her surprise, Remy opened his door and hopped out. Then he opened the back door next to her and Loki undid both of their belts, scooting her over so she was sitting in the middle of the backseat.

And both men were surrounding her.

“Loki-Remy sandwiches are the best,” she said with a contented sigh.

“Good to know,” Remy said with a kiss to the top of her head. “Now, what’s this about embarrassing us?”