As she walked away, Loki put his arm around her waist. “Uh-uh.”

“What? I can’t look?” she asked. That didn’t seem nice.

“Of course you can,” Remy soothed. “You can choose whatever you like. But you can’t wander away from your Daddies. You have to stay with us at all times.”

She pouted.

“One of those might work. We’re going to need one anyway.” Loki nodded over at the carts off to the side.

With a nod, Remy grabbed one. It was huge and there was a seat for her. Loki lifted her into it and did up the harness.

“I don’t need to be harnessed in, Ki-Ki,” she complained.

“You need the harness. Knowing you, you’ll bounce right out of the seat.”

“Will not.”

“Are you arguing with Ki-Ki, baby girl?” Remy asked in a stern voice.

She glanced over to see he had his arms crossed over his chest.

“Um, no, Daddy. I would never argue with Ki-Ki.”

Loki gave her a knowing look.

“Right, let’s get started,” Remy said briskly. “Baby girl, in case it wasn’t obvious, you’re not to undo your harness or get out and wander off. Understood?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

How would she wander off if she wasn’t allowed to unbuckle her harness herself?

Also, this seemed very like the lecture he’d given her when he’d put her in his truck and buckled her in.

Remy seemed to like rules.

That wasn’t a very good Daddy quality to have.

He took hold of the cart handle and started pushing.

“Now, what do we need?” Remy asked.

“Everything,” Loki replied. “Look at this.” He held up a cushion in the shape of a rainbow with clouds at each end.

“Gimme. Gimme.” She held out her hands, squealing in excitement as she bounced up and down in her seat.

“Glad we did the harness up,” Remy said dryly.

Loki grinned. “Uh-uh, is that anyway to use your manners?”

“Please, Ki-Ki. Please. Isa-Bee want.”

“How young does she normally go?” Remy asked.

“This is younger than I’ve ever seen,” Loki replied as he gave her the cushion.

It was younger than she’d ever felt. But it felt right. She slid her thumb into her mouth and hugged the cushion and Razzie as they discussed what to buy.

To her surprise, she didn’t much care. She thought she’d have more of an opinion. But she trusted them both.