Page 92 of Winning Play

Leaningforward,Tomspoke in a quiet voice. “Doesthis have anything to do with the athletes monitored in theERfor alcohol poisoning?”Heshook his head. “Nevermind, don’t answer—Ican’t discuss it.Severalteams are experiencing the samerough patch.Notjust the baseball team.”

Kimreleased a long breath. “GuessIshouldn’t complain thatI’mout of the loop.”

Cassiemet her eyes with a sympathetic smile. “SometimesI’mhappy to be out of the loop.Tomhad some tough experiences during his residency inEmergencyMedicine.Hepreferred not to talk about them… later he told me it helped to leave some of the stress at the hospital.”

Tomput his arm around her and kissed her forehead. “Myrefuge.”

Kimsmiled as she nodded in understanding.WillSpencediscover his refuge with me?

Anhour later,TomandCassiewalked back to campus withKim.Thechance meeting felt like an unexpected blessing—much better than sitting in my apartment worrying about somethingIcan’t control.SheandCassiescheduled a lunch date the following week, andCassie’sinfectious optimism raisedKim’sspirits.Shereturned to her apartment with renewed determination to dedicate her energy to acing this first semester in grad school.Spencewould call when he could.Patience.

Thefollowing afternoon,Spence’sringtone sounded asKimorganized her books and folders for the next day’s classes.Shetook a deep breath before picking up her phone.

“Spence, hi… you doing okay?”

Ifhe detected nervousness inKim’svoice,Spencedid not acknowledge it. “Kim,Ineed to see you.Okay, ifIcome over?”

“Youcan leave the athletic facility?”

“Yeah, that’s not a problem.”

“Ofcourse,”Kimsaid. “I’mhere—just text when you’re downstairs.”

Spencechuckled. “I’malmost at the building,Popcorn.”

Kimdashed down the stairs, questions bombarding her mind.Whenshe opened the entrance door, her heart clenched as their eyes met, but before she could catch her breath,Spencegathered her in a hug and crushed her against his chest.

“Imiss you,” he murmured as his lips sought hers.Thekiss left her breathless, andKimchoked back emotion asSpenceheld her tightly against his side.Heushered them up the stairs toward her room, andKimwondered if he could hear her heart pounding.

Onceinside her room,Spencecupped her face in his hands and leaned to kiss her again.Kimresponded to the tenderness he poured into the embrace, and sliding her arms around his neck, she pressed against him.

Spencepulled back first, andKimsaw regret, frustration, confusion, and need in his expression.Heleaned his forehead against hers. "Babe,I'mso sorry.”

Kimbrushed her fingertips along his cheeks. “Why?What’sgoing on,Spence?”Sheheld her breath, waiting for his reply.

Spence’sheart twisted hearing the uncertainty and hesitation inKim’svoice.Hecouldn’t articulate his feelings for this woman, but she had claimed permanent space in his heart.Don’tsecond guess this relationship.Ican dedicate additional energy to achieving the team’s goals.HaveIever given less than one hundred percent to the team?

Kim’svoice interrupted his thoughts. “Hey, canIget you something to drink?”

Heshook his head. “I’mgood.Canwe sit and talk?”

Kimled him to the couch and pulled him beside her. “Youcan always talk to me.”

“Itfeels like years sinceIsaw you,Kim.”Whenhe saw her eyes blinking against tears, he gathered her close. “Iscrewed up,Kim,I’msorry.”Shestarted to protest, but he held his hand up. “Ineed to tell you what’s happened.Theuniversity decided to self-report any possible violations to the conference and the national organization and requested an investigation to resolve this quickly.Currently, there’s no change to competition, eligibility for tournaments, scholarships, etc.”

“That’sa positive,”Kimmurmured.

Helaughed without humor. “I’msharing information that most of the team doesn’t know, butIwant you to understand what’s happening.Itrust you.”WhenKimnodded, he continued. “Iknew nothing about this so-called all-night party, secret group chat, or possible hazing ritual.GuysthatIthoughtIknew…Jeez,Kim,Idon’t know howImissed the signs, didn’t suspect a thing, and thought our post-game celebration ended at the restaurant… the clueless captain.”

“Don’tdo this to yourself,Spence.”

Wavingone hand in a gesture of surrender,Spencecontinued, “Afterwe lost during the championship game last year,Ipromised myself thatIwould devote one hundred percent of my time to working with the team for another chance to clinch the championship.Thatand acing the coursesIneed to graduate.Itold myself everything would work out ifIfocused on these goals.”

Hepaused to take a deep breath. “Beforethe semester began,Imet this amazing woman—the most generous, energetic, dedicated, kind-hearted, and organized personI’veever known.DidImention gorgeous?Evena curtain of popcorn didn’t hide your beauty.”

Kim’scheeks reddened. “Mymost embarrassing moment… but my luckiest.”

“Ikicked myself for not getting your number.”