Page 91 of Winning Play

Kimpicked up lunch from the food court and returned to her apartment.Radiosilence fromSpence.Stillin meetings?Shewondered about the fallout from some athletes’ extra-curricular activities.Couldsanctions end the seasons for all teams?

Shesat down on the couch with her laptop.Shesearched for information about the governing boards for conference and college sports, but the rules sounded vague and subjective.Noindication if the athletes' actions would result in sanctions or if there could be an exception based on a school’s prior history.IsthisFCU’sfirst potential violation?

Kimthought about callingLaurenbut didn’t want to ask her to break confidentiality with her clients.Shecouldn’t expectSpenceto tell her, either.Frustrated, she logged on to social media to search for information aboutFCU.Hersearch skills failed—she couldn’t access private groups or messaging boards.Googlesearches produced no results.

Kimset her laptop on the table and leaned back against the couch.IfonlySpencewould call.Shepicked up her phone, looking for a missed text or voicemail.Shestarted to tap a text but deleted it.Hedoesn’t need me pressuring him.Spenceknows my schedule.

Afterselecting a favorite playlist,Kimset the phone on the side table and plumped the throw pillows.Shelay on the sofa and closed her eyes, exhaustion sweeping through her.Shedrifted off to sleep before the first song ended.

Spenceflipped the textbook shut, rubbing his stiff neck.Theprofessors emailed class notes to the seniors as requested by the athletic department.Althoughhe appreciated the notes,Spencepreferred listening to the lectures.Hechecked the school portal one last time, hoping to find an uploaded audio recording, but nothing.Goodexcuse to take a break.

HefoundEricandTodddiscussing dinner plans.Toddmentioned meetingBarbat the food court and invitedEricandSpenceto join him.

“Letme ask you,”Spencesaid. “Areyou guys thinking about taking a break from social activities?”

Toddhesitated, then shrugged. “Youthink we should,County?”

“No, but with everything going on,Iwonder ifI’dpaid more attention to the team…”

Ericbroke in, “Don’tstart,Spencer.Youheard whatCoachsaid.Nosecond-guessing.”

Toddadded, “Youworked on the tournament as a team builder; you arrive early at practice, the last to leave.You’reaccessible to the guys and help them whenever possible.Noone expects us to live like monks.”

Spencelaughed without humor. “True.IknewIdidn’t have time for distractions if we wanted the championship.Butthat was beforeImetKim.”Heshook his head and changed the subject. “Ineed some air—maybe hit the gym or run.Youtwo good with that?"

"Cool, man,"Toddreplied, fixing a steady gaze atSpence. "Justremember you can't control everything,County."

Asmall laugh escaped fromSpence'smouth. “That’sobvious,Anderson.”


Dayspassed without hearing fromSpence, and insecurity grew withinKim.DoesSpenceregret crossing that line with me?Afteran unforgettable night together… at least for me… and then his early morning visit…Unwantedmemories ofFinnnudged her mind.No,Martin,Spenceis notFinn.

Hermind raced with anxiety.Theteam comes first.Dutiesas captain.Thesituation may have spiraled beyond campus rumors.Somecommunication lockdown?Hasthe university received sanctions?

Standing,Kimshook her head to clear her runaway imagination.Getout of this room.Stopjumping to conclusions.Sheslipped her phone into her pocket and grabbed the small bag containing her swipe card and wallet.Shethought about the coffee shop just a block off campus, a cold strawberryFrappuccinoswimming through her mind.Somedistance would clear her head and help her mind calm.

Twentyminutes later,Kimsat in a cozy corner of the cafe, pacing herself so she didn’t inhale the decadent treat.Nobrain freeze,Martin.Didn’tthinkI’dsee such a crowd tonight—students, plus young professionals who live downtown?

Hermood brightened when she spottedCassieandDr.Tomentering the cafe.Kimwaved a greeting and then stood asCassiecrossed the room to greet her.

“Sohappy to see you!”Theyexchanged hugs and greetings, andKiminvited them to join her.

“Absolutely!I’lltellTom.Canwe get you anything to eat?”

Kimsuppressed a laugh and pointed to her cup. "I'mgood.”

Aftersetting a basket of lemon cookies on the coffee table,CassieandTomsat on the comfy loveseat across fromKim.Tomasked how she felt her concussion recovery had progressed.

"Prettygood," she answered with a small smile. "Mostlyback to normal.Afew headaches, but..."Sheshrugged. “Couldbe stress related.Ifeel well otherwise.”

Tomchuckled. “Fairenough.Iknow you’ll call me with any concerns,” he said. “How’smy friend,Spence?”

Shestifled an anxious sigh. “Theteam’s going through a rough patch—we haven’t seen much of each other this week.”

Cassiefrowned in sympathy. "Ihope it's nothing too serious?"

“Idon’t know the details, soIcan’t say how serious.”Shebrushed stray hairs away from her face.