Page 93 of Winning Play

“Iassumed we’d never see each other again,”Kimreplied.

Spence’sblue eyes focused onKim, and her stomach fluttered in anticipation.

“WhenIsaw you on move-in day,Iknew fate had brought us together,”Spencesaid. “Instantfriends.Studypals, best friends, and—Ihoped—more than friends once you were ready to explore a relationship.Iknew you’d had a tough break-up and wanted to give you space.”

Kimnodded, unable to speak for a moment.WhyisSpencetelling me this?

Spenceleaned to kiss her cheek. “Ididn’t realizeI’dfallen for you—hard—untilIvolunteeredfor the role of your boyfriend.”Heshook his head. “IthoughtIcould help you with your mother and keepFuckleberryaway.Itdidn’t take long to realizeIwanted more than a fake relationship.Kim, you opened my eyes to possibilities beyond theNationalChampionship.”

Kim’seyes blurred. “Youdid the same for me,Spence.Evenhaving you as my fake boyfriend showed me the value of a true relationship…”Shereached to take his hand. “WhydoIsense a ‘but’ coming next…”

Shewatched asSpenceshut his eyes for a long moment. “Thelast few days hit me like a brick.IrealizedI’veneglected you and the team.Ishould never have left after that incredible experience we shared… exceptIhad to deal with the drunken fiasco.BecauseI’dassumed someone else would watch the group after we left.”

“Doyou think you could have prevented it,Spence?Seriously?”

Herubbed his face and raked his hand through his hair. “Idon’t know—maybe?”Hiseyes reflected inner turmoil. “IthoughtIhad everything under control: baseball, academics, plus the best thing that’s ever touched my life—you.Youdeserve the world, andIwant to give it to you…”

Herthroat tightened. “Goon...”

“I’vethought about nothing else the last few days…Ididn’t thinkI’dneglected my responsibility to the team, but now the team’s under investigation.Ineglected you…Iwant to be with you, commit to you, stay with you.ButIdisappeared with no explanation.”Hepaused and sighed. “Theonly thingIhaven’t screwed up—academics, and that’s because of the uber-organizational system you taught me.”Spenceshook his head. “Youdon’t deserve the wayIignored you.Inever want to hurt you.”Hetouched her cheek. “Maybewe should…Rightnow,I’mnot sureIcan be the boyfriend you deserve, as much asIwant that.”

Kimfelt panic lurking.Doeshe want to break up with me?Shouldn’tIdecide if he’s the boyfriendI“deserve”… the personIwant?

Kimstood abruptly and grasped his hand. “Timeout—come with me,Spence.Iwant to show you something.”Shetugged at his arm when he didn’t move. “Please?”

Spencestood and put his hands on her shoulders. “Popcorn, what are you proposing?”Hislips quirked with the hint of a smile.

Inreply,Kimstepped forward and ran her hands against his chest. “Promise, you’ll feel better.”Sherose to kiss him, flicking her tongue against his lips playfully.

Releasinga soft groan,Spenceswept her into his arms. “Bedroom?”Hisvoice sounded hoarse.

Kimnodded against his chest. “Don’tmake me beg,ChathamJohnSpencer.I’mtrying to seduce you.”


WithKimin his arms,Spencetumbled onto the bed, pulling her on top of him.

“Nobegging necessary,Popcorn.”Hisheart had contracted with tenderness when she blushed as she said she wanted to “seduce” him.Hissuddenly shy girlfriend slowly unbuttoned his shirt and trailed her fingers down his chest.Whenshe fumbled with his jeans,Spencerolled her onto her back and made quick work of shedding their clothes.

Whenhe held her against him, skin to skin, an unexpected feeling of peace flowed throughSpence.Hewanted—needed—to imprint his feelings onKim’sheart so she’d never doubt him.HowcouldIconsider putting the brakes on our relationship?Kim’severything to me.Hefeared the challenges of the upcoming weeks—the demands on his time—but vowed to find a way to fulfill his responsibilities while showingKimthat he’d never take her for granted.

Spencepoured his feelings into every kiss, each caress, each expression of…love?… “Solucky to find you…”Hislips traveled down her neck. “So, so good with you…”

Kim’sbreath caught when his fingers brushed across her abdomen. “Notickling,” she warned.

Spenceraised his head to meet her eyes. “Youmean like… this?”Hemoved as if to grab her waist, andKimtried to roll away, laughing in anticipation of the touch that didn’t occur.Instead,Spencegrasped her shoulders and pushed her back against the mattress.

“Youtrust me,Popcorn?”

Kimnodded, and he saw the truth in her eyes.

“I’mnot going to tickle you, babe.”Hedropped kisses on her face, her neck, her chest.Hepaused to gently shower attention on each breast, grabbing her hands when she squirmed, a soft moan escaping. “Youlike that?”Heran his fingers down her arms. “You’reso beautiful,Kim.Letme showyouhow much you mean to me.”

Kimshut her eyes and gave herself over to the sensationsSpenceawakened in her.Shefloated on a pulsing current of desire…Shecupped his head and threaded her fingers through his thick hair.Shepushed closer against his body, suddenly needing to be one with him.Spenceswept her away with him to heights of almost unbearable pleasure, and then together, they exploded like fireworks across a star-filled sky.

Spencebrushed his hand againstKim’shair as they lay intertwined on her bed.Kimsnuggled against his chest.

“Icould stay like this forever,” she said.Sheheard his murmur of agreement.