I’d beat it out of him if I had too. This instinct inside of me started to boil. As if this man was touching something that was mine, and I didn’t fucking like it one bit.
The bite of steel hit the base of my neck, and I knew exactly who it was. Not many would have the balls to put a gun on me. “Thought you left,” I asked Nyx, not moving an inch.
“I smelled you outside the door.”
Nyx stepped into the room, getting closer to my back and slammed the door shut. At least the entire place wouldn’t hear. But there were way too many ears for gunshots.
I smirked at Screech. “Awe. She smelled me. Isn’t she cute?”
His eyes grew round, obviously knowing Nyx well as he said, “Man, I don’t know who you are, but callin’ hercuteisn’t the best idea.”
I felt a laugh but kept it down. I didn’t know this guy and had no idea why she was here with him and didn’t want to give him any notion that we were cool.
“You gonna tell me why the fuck you thought it was okay to follow me?” Nyx asked, pushing the gun hard into my neck then moving around me to stand by Screech. “What gives you the right to be in my business?”
I wanted to rip his head off for being that close to her. I wanted to pick her up over my shoulder and carry her out of here and away from him. I wanted to mark her and keep her as mine.
“Come here,” I told her, needing her near me for some unknown reason. Maybe it was to feel her after being gone for the day, or maybe it was to get her away from the man.
Rational thinking wasn’t coming quickly enough.
“Fuck off. Why are you here?”
Screech’s back went straight as he took me in. Had no clue what I looked like, but when Screech reached out and pulled Nyx behind him, something in me snapped.
He touched her.
Tried to keep her away from me.
Tried to block me.
Fuck that and fuck him.
“Screech, knock that shit off,” Nyx yelled wrenching out of his grasp and coming from around him. “I have a gun, and he’s not going to hurt me.” When her eyes met mine, they went wide. I felt totally out of control. Wild. Like a caged animal ready to rip Screech’s throat out for even looking at her let alone touching her.
No. Just fucking no.
Nyx saw it too. She took a few steps forward until she was only a foot from me, but my focus was on the man who’d touched her.
“Nyx. Should I call the cops?” Screech asked.
Nyx chuckled. “You think the cops will touch this man? No. Just go in the other room for a minute. I can handle him.”
“Nyx, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
She laughed but not in her usual sarcastic way. This was awkward and uncomfortable. “Screech, I promise I got this; just give me a minute. See what you can do about our situation while I get rid of Raid, okay?”
My breathing went ragged, and my hands balled into fists.
What the fuck was going on with me.
I was not the kind of man to “lose control.” Yet, here I was, ready to rip this Screech person apart.
No, I was methodical. Precise. Thought everything out in steps.
But here in this moment, all I wanted was to kill him for touching her.
“Raid,” Nyx called as I watched Screech leave the room.