Straight to hell, I was more than ready to give them a one-way ticket.
It wasdaylight when we got back to Sumner. Loved riding but fuck, I was tired. After going to the clubhouse and helping Micah with a few things, I wanted to see Nyx.
Going to her house, though, she was pulling out of the drive as I arrived. At first, I wanted to roll up on her so I could take her straight inside and fuck her until we both passed out. Only curiosity got the best of me because it was too early for her to go to work. Where was my little vixen going?
I kept my distance, having piqued my interest into where she was going.
She ended up at an apartment building. When she put the key in the door and walked in, had to admit it shocked the shit out of me. Nyx had always come across as a loner. Dedicated to work but attached to no one. The casual way she had arrived here and let herself in wasn’t in line with the woman who worked at the bar and used the laundromat regularly. Because yes, I knew she used our facility.
Parking my bike, I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the building. I swung my leg off the bike and moved to the building.
It had one of those intercoms on the door, so I started pushing them and sweet talked an older lady to hit the button to let me inside. It really didn’t help much considering Nyx was gone, and there were about five floors with at least ten apartments each.
Punching some keys on my phone, a small greet light came on. It led me up three flights and to door three D. I might have put a tracker in that bag she was always carrying.
What could I say? I wasn’t done with her yet and needed to keep my eye on her. Good thing.
I pressed my ear to the door.
“Screech. I can’t do it anymore. Here, take it,” she said to whoever this Screech guy was. If he touched her, I was going to kill him. How the fuck did I not know about this guy when I searched her?
“What’s wrong? What happened?” the deep voice answered, and I wanted to know the answer to that too.
“It’s too much. I’ve been up all night watchin’ it and…” She paused. “Look at me, Screech! I haven’t slept at all. I’m a fuckin’ mess. The notifications are tied to the cloud, and I can’t get it unlinked.”
“That bad huh?” the man asked her.
What the fuck were they talking about? What was bad? What the hell was going on?
“Yeah. All night. I couldn’t stop watching.”
What the fuck was she watching?
“Afraid of that. Told you there are options, Nyx.”
There was some scuffling noise. “Fuck, Nyx. Warn a man.”
“Take it. Do whatever you have to, to it. I’ll be back.”
Fuck. She was leaving? Already.
I melted into the shadows with my back against the wall and inched around the corner.
Hearing the sound of her boots go down the stairs, I moved quickly to the door and knocked on it.
It opened immediately. “I knew you wouldn’t…” the man started. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Screech,” as Nyx called him, reminded me of that guy on the Addams Family who drove the car around all the time. The tall one who looked a bit gaunt and awkward.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing.”
Taking a step in the door, I demanded, “Tell me why Nyx was here.”