A warm hand came to my cheek and guided it forward, pulling my attention off the man. When our eyes connected, I didn’t hesitate. I pulled her in my arms and kissed her hard, pouring every bit of emotion I was feeling in that moment.
It had to come out, or I was going to put a bullet in the man.
She kissed me back, not resisting even a small bit. She let me take from her, wrap her in my arms, and hold on tight.
No, she wasn’t going to get away. Never.
This woman was mine.
We kissed until the rage subsided, and my cock was hard as hell. I wanted to fuck her right here in this dungy kitchen bent over the table. Make her always remember me.
Nyx pulled away, and my eyes flew to hers. “Need you to calm down, big man. Everything here is cool. Screech is my friend. Not my fuck buddy. So you need to chill with the psycho look and vibe you’re projecting.”
Yeah. She could see it. Because fuck did I feel it. I let out a breath I had been holding.
I rested my forehead on hers and sucked in a deep breath as I closed my eyes and took in the feel and smell of her.
Several moments passed, and I felt myself calming a bit. It was all her. That much I knew for sure.
Nyx pulled away, but kept her hand in mine as she looked into my eyes. “Cujo. You need to calm your tits because if you hurt a hair on Screech’s head, I’ll shoot your balls off.”
A chuckle came out, breaking the tension just a bit. “You like my balls too much.”
She shook her head. “Nope. Not if you hurt my friend.”
“Wanna tell me what you were talkin’ about? What you can’t watch anymore?”
Nyx wrenched out of my grasp so fast it was like sand through fingers. I hated that feeling.
“Don’t, Raid. Don’t pretend that because you put your dick in me I have to tell you all my shit. I came here to see my friend. This is not your business.”
I felt my face burning hot. “Nyx. Don’t give me that shit, woman. You think for one second I’d be here if I’d have ‘just’ fucked you? You think I’d have wasted my fuckin’ time if you were expendable?”
“Don’t sweet talk me, Cujo. Women loved to be called expendable.”
“You’re not fuckin’ listen’,” I growled low. Yeah. I was gonna throw her over my shoulder and take her ass home, tie her to the bed, and not let her out. Ever.
Nyx took a huge breath. “Seriously, Raid, stop. I can’t right now. I’m exhausted. You have your shit, and I have mine.”
“You’re not gonna tell me, are you?”
Her head shook. “I don’t care to know Ravage business, and you don’t need to know mine. We aren’t that serious, Raid. So, no, I’m not gonna tell you.”
“You will. Get your shit, and let’s go,” I ordered her. My patience was non-existent on a regular day. I was giving this woman all I had, and I was losing my sanity in the process.
“I’ll just lay down here. I’ll be fine.”
And there it went again. All reasoning. I took a step forward, and Nyx held her hands up. She studied me, the space, and whatever she deemed was happening, something changed. The air shifted, and she looked down defeated. “I don’t have the energy for this, Raid. Just take me home please.”
After she said those words, a lot of the fight went out of her. She was exhausted. She really hadn’t slept. Bags were under her bloodshot eyes that I should’ve noticed quicker, but my rage took over.
“Come with me,” I tried again. “We both need sleep, and we need to talk.”
She studied me. Seeing something, probably the determination in my eyes that I wasn’t leaving without her, she finally conceded. “Okay. Let me talk to Screech.”
Fuck. She left the room, and I could hear their whispers, and I wanted to ring his neck just because he was close to her.
But when she came out, her gun put away and bag on her shoulder, I grabbed her hand and pulled her from the place.