All hot. The women were foaming at the mouths for each of them. They must’ve all had women at home, because not even a single smile to the females who were trying to get their attention came from any of them.
That was seriously strong loyalty. Had to be impressed by that.
I’d been around a lot of men in my life. Ones who cheated, not giving a shit they'd hurt their women. Ones who beat, demeaned, disparaged the supposed “ones they loved.”
Not to mention Miles and his corruption of hell.
To see men like these, not give a glance to the tits and ass that were flying around this place, was impressive.
It was also trouble.
Last time Raid and Ax were here changed my life and put me on Raid’s radar. Hoped like fuck tonight wouldn’t be the same. I didn’t need any more shit in my face.
“Hey. Gotta run to the pisser. You’ll be okay?” Cass asked me as I set the final drinks on Taylor’s tray.
“I’m good,” I told him, wondering if that was even remotely true.
Focus. I needed to focus.
Taylor came back and tossed out the drink order, saying, “They’re Ravage.”
I nodded and got to work. Knowing one of the beers was Ax’s, I left the cap on it and did the other one too. Who was I to say anything? That was what he wanted, and he had to have a reason for it that I had no right to know. He and his brother both had a habit of ordering their beers with the caps on.
No foofoo drinks for these guys. Beer, Jack, Bourbon—straight up. Instead of pouring those, I set three glasses and two bottles of booze on the tray.
Taylor leaned in. “They want you to deliver the drinks,” she said, and my hands stilled.
Raid told his brother. Fucking pussy gossiper. Fuck me. What the hell was I in for?
“Kinda busy here, Tay. Cass is pissin’ and probably havin’ a quick fuck in the bathroom. Can’t just leave right now.”
Her eyes bugged out in fear. “Please do it. I don’t want to piss them off. Not only will they kill me, but I’ll lose all the tips. And they’re big tippers.”
Sucking in a deep breath, I just wanted to get it over with. I wouldn’t fuck with Taylor’s money. Not to mention I didn’t want to piss them off either. It wasn’t worth it if they wanted me to serve their drinks, give me shit, and then we could all move on.
“You’ll have’ta handle the bar. Can you hack it?”
Taylor was an awesome server. Knew many of the drinks, but how to make them … not so much. She’d be okay for as long as it took for me to carry the tray over, take their shit, then get back to the bar.
“Yeah. I’ll do my best. It won’t be long, right?” she asked hopefully.
“Yeah. Just give me a few.”
It was late and had been a long damn night with assaulting memories. This was the cherry on top of the night. Only thing that would be more would be if Raid came in. Shit, I hoped he didn’t.
Five drinks on the tray, I lifted it in one handed with ease and trudged my way through the crowd. Best thing about being a bartender was being able to stay away from all the grabby hands and brushes against me as I walked.
A fortifying breath in, I made it to the table and put the beer in front of Ax, then set the three glasses in front of sandy beach boy and filled it with Jack. Filled another Jack in front of Deke, filled bourbon in front of Jacks, and the other closed beer in front of the last one.
Ax’s brow raised in question.
Damn he looked just like Raid. It made something in my chest tighten.
Why? I wasn’t ready to know yet.
“You knew what we drank?” Surfer boy asked as I turned to him. They were sitting in the back at one of the wide tables. Designated for groups, but their bulk filled up all the space.
“Yeah. Kinda my job, and it’s a lot easier when I memorize the locals’ usual,” I answered then looked around the table. “We good now? Got drinks to make.”