Home to her…



Notifications wentoff all damn day and night as I worked. One after the other the notifications vibrated in my back pocket and shocked me each and every time. After the first dozen, I had to force myself to stop looking. I really didn’t want to know what was on the app. Whatever it was wouldn’t be good, but I needed to know in hopes it would be something I could use.

But seeing it at work, knowing what my reaction would be, I wouldn’t allow that. There’d already been enough of “me” shown.

Was it strange to dread something yet crave to see it too? It was like a car crash. You just couldn’t help but watch. But I knew with each bit I watched, I could possibly find something. Something that would end this. Or could. The hope was there, but in order to get there, I’d have to endure more.

One would’ve thought I’d endured enough, but that wasn’t in my life plan obviously. Torture seemed to stay high on the list.

The video of Flynn and that woman ran through my head throughout the night. Him calling out my name. Yes, my fucking name as he fucked that poor woman. A name I hadn’t heard in months. He was taunting me and didn’t even know it, which somehow made it worse.

The woman didn’t want anything to do with Flynn. While I’d love to help her, wanted to help her, there wasn’t a damn thing I could do.

Hell yes, I felt bad. Knowing that this woman was getting violated and had no way out ate at my insides. Not even calling the cops in Atlanta would do anything to help that woman. Miles had everything in the palm of his hands and ran that damn city. It would all get brushed under the rug to never see the light of day.

It was why I’d had to go to extremes to get away, but at the time I didn’t know that getting away wouldn’t solve my problems. No, it was the beginning of them.

Each time the vibration notification came through on my ass, it was like a viper striking me over and over again. Then the memories of the video came back to me.

I’d get busy making drinks and not think about it. But then the vibrations would come, and I was right back there. The mind was a funny thing. I usually had all this control, all these safety walls built around me. Suddenly, this level of access to them, to my past, ate at me. My self-control was slipping, and the façade I had been holding onto was falling away.

I couldn’t turn it off. I couldn’t get it to stop.

It was a silent torture.

“Nyx!” Cass called out, grabbing my attention, and my eyes flew to him. He nodded his head to the left, and I followed, my stomach tightening.

How the fuck did I miss the five bikers coming into the damn bar? Phone. Right. Missing things was how I’d end up dead. Not to mention I felt like puking every five seconds.

Moving quickly to my bag, I pulled my phone from my pocket, without looking at it, and shoved it inside. While I hated being without it, there wasn’t another option in this moment. I couldn’t have those assholes controlling my every move. I would have to manage notifications later in my settings. The Hamiltons would not have power over me.

Right now I was allowing them to control me, and it needed to stop. I needed my power back, and if that meant putting my damn phone away, so be it.

At first glance I thought it was Raid, and the anger of him leaving my bed without a word came to the surface.

But looking closer, it was his twin Ax who didn’t have the large scar running down his face and longer hair.

Shit. Part of me wondered if Raid told his brother about our night of fucking. The other part didn’t give a fuck. Just because I fucked someone didn’t mean they owned me. Plus, I was pissed off. Between the shit with Flynn and Raid leaving without a word, my give a damn button was busted.

I already had people fucking with my life. I didn’t need an entire club in my business.

Guess I’d find out at some point if Ax said something to me and deal with whatever came from it. Fucking his brother didn’t mean shit.

Grabbing another ticket, I began to fill the order all the while checking out who else of the Ravage MC decided to come to the bar.

Ax was in the lead and sat at the back of the bar like normal.

While Ravage ran the town, I wasn’t up on everyone’s names quite yet. Deke, everyone knew him. Scary as fuck. He was the son of the Vice President, GT. He had light brownish-blond hair and blue eyes that were always actively taking in the surroundings.

Jacks was the other one I knew. He had a very fierce face, but he tended to be quieter than the others who came in.

One I didn’t know had long hair, and I’d call him surfer-boy. Definitely appeared like he should be on a beach and not in the middle of bum-fuck Georgia.

The last was a bulky man with lighter brown hair and tattoos up his arm. Very rugged with an actual beard. Didn’t know who he was either.