I heard the cap come off the top of the beer, and my eyes went to Ax. “Since you know how I like my beer, that’s all I wanted to know. Need to know who’s makin’ our drinks.”

“Here I am,” I said and heard chuckles from the table.

Ax’s phone lit up, and Raid’s name popped up on the screen. He accepted the call, and I was way too interested in knowing what they were saying.

Instead, Deke started talking. “Know you’ve worked here a while. We’ve had some shit go down. Just makin’ sure we’re all good.”

“We’re good. Drinks are safe. No one would be stupid enough to fuck with your drinks. We like our lives and our jobs. So yeah. You’re good.”

Ax set his phone down. “They’re on their way back.” I so wanted to ask him where the hell his brother was, but I didn’t. Curiosity killed the cat and all that noise.

“You good?” I said instead.

“Yeah. We’re good. Nyx, right?”

Since Raid knew so much about me, I figured these guys at least knew my name. So it didn’t surprise me. “Yeah.”

“Make sure you’re the one doin’ ours tonight. No one else touches them.”

“Not a problem. Do you want me to leave the bottles here for you to fill?”

“Nah. We know it’s you, but thanks,” Ax said, and I took the dismissal and ran with it.

So much so that I ran into someone. Fuck me. “I’m sorry,” I said but looked up and saw the guy that Raid had on his knees in the alley, same preppy clothes and all.

Oh fuck, this wasn’t good. Five Ravage and one little man. Rivers of blood was all I could see.

My head snapped to Ax and the rest of Ravage, their eyes narrowing. As mine went to the door, I wanted to smack myself.

Did I just nonverbally order the Ravage MC and their little guy out of the bar?

I did. Not even thinking. Just on a whim.

Yeah, I had a death wish.

Ax lifted his chin, and I took off to the bar, knowing I gave myself away to knowing some of Ravage’s business. Yeah. Not only did I have to deal with Raid, but I’d be dealing with the entire Ravage MC soon enough.

Five gold stars for me today. I was hitting homeruns out of the park.

Getting behind the bar again, Taylor took off, and Cass was there filling orders. He looked me up and down, noting I wasn’t bleeding and got back to work.

I followed suit.

This night needed to be over with. It needed to be put to rest.

I was over it.

Filling drinks for the Ravage table three times, they took off, and it didn’t go amiss that the kneeling guy was gone too. Hopefully they weren’t out back because I was ready for home.

Ready for an escape. Whatever they had going on, I didn’t want to know about any of it.

Luckily, I made it home without a hitch. Some part of me thought that Raid would be there waiting for me like he did the other night. And no way in fuck would I admit that I kind of wanted him there. But damn, I did.

I knew he could be a distraction from the phone burning a hole in my bag. I forced myself to shower and change clothes before pulling my phone from the bag.

I’d already had my gun in the bathroom with me. I had a feeling that after seeing Flynn, I’d have the piece much closer.

I officially needed another holster and a smaller gun. Unfortunately, I didn’t think I’d be able to hide the damn thing in my corset. Two was always better than one, though.