"N?v?r mind, I g?t my ?n?w?r," she ??id with a ?mil?. Pretty girls and William Bentley, And?r? tw? w??kn?????.
"Y?u g?nn? h?ng around?" ?h? asked.
"Sur?. F?r a bit," h? ??id.
"I'm gonna d? a little introduction. Wanna g? u? to the projection r??m? I'll b? right u?," ?h? said. Sh? nodded h?r h??d in th? direction ?f th? ?m?ll r??m ?b?v? th? theater.
"Girl, ??u d? your intr?du?ti?n," h? ??id ????il?. He ?n????d hi? fing?r? b?f?r? he left.
"You kn?w h?w I d?," she l?ugh?d. And?r? l?ugh?d ?? h? w?lk?d up a side aisle and exited the th??t?r.
Sk? ?h??k?d the time ?nd w?it?d a f?w more minut?? until th? l??t f?w ?tr?ggl?r? made th?ir w?? int? ???t?.
"L?di?? ?nd gentleman, t?night w? ?r???nt th? Live C?n??rt Experience ?f Kn?x H?milt?n'? B??k Ag?in World T?ur," ?h? ?nn?un??d l?udl?. "Please g?t comfortable. Th? feature will b? starting soon. For ??ur ?nj??m?nt, our crew will be serving popcorn ?nd ?th?r d?li?i?u? tr??t? f?r the n?xt ten minut?? before th? m?vi? ?t?rt?. Other then th?t, ?it back, relax, ?nd ?r???r? t? be ??r?n?d?d b? th? gl?ri?u? Kn?x Hamilton." Sky's ?l??ing r?m?rk g?t cheers and several shouts.
Sh? f?und a th??t?r ?r?w m?mb?r ?nd l?t her kn?w th?? ??uld ?t?rt ??rving in th? th??t?r. Th?n ?h? ?limb?d th? stairs t? th? n?xt l?v?l ?nd entered int? the ??m?l?t?l? black r??m. Th? r??m w?? ?b?ut the ?iz? ?f a large w?lk-in ?l???t with tw? stools ?n ?ith?r ?id? of th? l?rg? ?r?j??t?r.
"S?m? ?f your best w?rk," Anders ??id. H? didn't b?th?r t? look up from th? g?m? he w?? ?l??ing ?n hi? phone.
"I ??n t?ll ??u really mean it," ?h? said.
"Wh?r? did you g? after lun?h?" Anders asked. H? slipped his ?h?n? back int? hi? pocket.
"Th? b?t ??v?," she ??id, h?r voice dr?m?ti?. It w??n't ever ?n?ugh t? ju?t ??? the nickname, ??u h?d t? make it sound ?? dr?m?ti? ?? possible.
"Louis h?d me ??lling and ??nfirming ?ll th? l?nd excursion r???rv?ti?n? f?r t?m?rr?w," ?h? said. "S? you kn?w, ??ving the w?rld from th? scum ?f Gotham. Pretty mu?h th? usual."
Anders l?ugh?d. "I'm sure ??u would h?v? made b?tm?n ?r?ud."
Once the ??n????i?n crew was fini?h?d handing out tr??t?, Sky turn?d ?n the projector ?nd lowered th? lights in th? th??t?r.
"Ar? ??u ??tu?ll? g?ing t? w?t?h?" And?r? ??k?d, as the ???ning ?r?dit? of the film began.
"I have t? be h?r? t? m?k? ?ur? it run? right. It'? th? movie or ?t?ring int? th?t d?rk corner," ?h? ??id, ??inting to th? b??k ??rn?r of the r??m.
"I'm ?n the fence about whi?h i? b?tt?r. I'll watch the fir?t t?n minut?? ?nd then let ??u kn?w."
The ??r??n w?nt bl??k ?nd a l?w thundering sound started to ri??. Slowly, th? screen b?g?n t? fill with tiny shaking dots. Th? thund?r gr?w ?nd ???n became audible as ??r??m? ?nd th? image ?f a ?t?g? b?g?n t? t?k? f?rm in th? sea of ??ll?h?n? light? ?nd glow-in-the-dark objects.
A v?i?? ?t?rt?d t? ?ing ?ut th? l?ri?? t? a song. Sky w?? im?r????d th? camera w?? ?bl? to ?i?k u? anything ?b?v? the ??r??m?. Th?n she l??k?d d?wn at th? ?udi?n?? and r??liz?d that the ??r??m? weren't ju?t ??ming fr?m the film but ?l?? from th? crowd below.
Knox's ?l??r ?tr?ng v?i?? ??ng out th? chorus of ?n? ?f his m??t popular songs and Sk? r???gniz?d it. It h?d played n?n? ?t?? th? summer b?f?r?, ?v?n being dubbed the 'Song ?f th? Summ?r'.
"Omig??h! Can ??u b?li?v? how b??utiful h? i?!" Anders screamed in a ?hrill v?i??. It w?? higher than Sk? th?ught ????ibl?.
"C?lm yourself," ?h? ??id. "It'? just a ??n??rt film."
"I think ??m??n? f?rg?t to tell th?m," h? said. H? ??int?d down t? th? crowd ?f girls wh? were on th?ir feet, ?inging ?nd dancing ?l?ng.
"He's n?t bad," she said. Th? first song had ended ?nd Kn?x h?d moved ?m??thl? into the n?xt.
"Did ??u ju?t see th?t girl?" Anders ??k?d. The ??m?r? ??nn?d across th? fr?nt rows ?t th? concert. "It looked lik? ?h? was hyperventilating."
"Sh? probably w??. Girls g? crazy at th??? thing?."
"Of ??ur?? ??u know thi? fr?m experience."