"Wh?t is your f?v?rit? band?"
"I l?v? t? listen t? a lot ?f different g?nr?? but I think one of m? all tim? f?v?rit?? is The B??tl??."
"If ??u ??uld b? ?n ?nim?l, what w?uld ??u b??"
"A ?h??t?."
"Why did th? chicken ?r??? th? r??d?"
"I d?n't kn?w, why?" Knox l?ugh?d ?t th? r?nd?m qu??ti?n?. H? tri?d to ?n?w?r ??m?thing new for th? qu??ti?n? h? h?d ?lr??d? answered in int?rvi?w?, kn?wing m??t ?f th? girl? th?r? ?r?b?bl? ?lr??d? kn?w his ?n?w?r?.
"If ??u g?t stranded ?n a d???rt i?l?nd, wh? would ??u want t? be with?"
"Pr?b?bl? my brother Grant, b???u?? he kn?w? ?b?ut everything ?nd w?uld be ?bl? t? keep us ?liv?."
"Are ??u d?ting S??hi? L?ur?n?"
Kn?x l?t ?ut a ?m?ll l?ugh ?t thi? question.
"N?," he ??id. H? ?h??k hi? h??d ?lightl?. "Sophie ?nd I are ju?t fri?nd?. And th?t'? tru? about ?v?r? ?th?r girl I have b??n ?h?t?gr??h?d with. I'm n?t d?ting ?n??n?."
The ?udit?rium ?ru?t?d int? chatter ?nd it t??k Andr?w t?n minut?? to g?t the noise l?v?l down.
"W?ll, since you ?r?n't d?ting anyone now, w?nn? date me?"
Kn?x r???gniz?d Bi?n?? fr?m th? pool.
"I'll h?v? t? g?t back t? ??u on th?t one," he said.
"I d?n't mind w?iting," ?h? ??id, before ?h? w?lk?d ?w?? fr?m th? mic. Knox finished ?ff a b?ttl? ?f water ?? the l??t girl ??k?d h?r qu??ti?n.
"Th?nk? ?? much f?r coming ?ut ?nd ??king ??m? good qu??ti?n?," h? ??id. "I think ??u got m?r? inf?rm?ti?n ?ut of m? th?n an interviewer."
Thi? m?d? all the girl? laugh. He w?v?d ?? the girl? ?t?rt?d to leave th? ?udit?rium ?nd w?t?h?d ?? Marcos ?ff?r?d high fiv?? ?? h? walked u? th? ?i?l?.
"R??d??" M?r??? ??k?d.
"Yu?," Knox said. H? ??id good bye ?nd th?nk?d Andr?w before h? l?ft.
"Alright you g?t ??m? d?wn tim? ?nd th?n dinn?r, whi?h ??u will h?v? to dr??? u? f?r," C?lvin said, examining Kn?x'? ?utfit.
Sky ?t??d ?t the door ?f th? m?vi? th??t?r and watched ?? girl? ?l?wl? started t? trickle in. Instead ?f dr????? pulled ?v?r ?wim?uit? ?nd wet h?ir, every single girl was impeccably dr????d. The fir?t dinn?r of th? ?rui?? w?? ?lw??? formal ?nd thi? ?r?wd h?d pulled ?ut ?ll the stops.
She f?und the age range interesting. Girl? th?t ??uldn't be ?ld?r th?n t?n ?????d in small gr?u?? w??ring sweet f?rm?l dr????? ?nd girl? that l??k?d lik? th?? ??uld b? ?? old ?? Sk? ?????d, th?ir dr????? ?h?wing ?lm??t ?? much ?kin as th?ir b?thing ?uit?.
And?r? w?lk?d u?, his eyes f?ll?wing a group ?f ?ld?r girl? int? the m?vi? theater. "I ??? th??? w?nd?ring eyes," Sk? ??id.
"Don't b? j??l?u?," h? ??id. "Y?u kn?w you'll ?lw??? b? my numb?r ?n?." H? ??m? t? ?t?nd b??id? h?r.
"What ?r? you ?v?n d?ing here?" I ??n't im?gin? a m?vi? ??n??rt getting ?ut ?f control." Sh? th?ught b??k t? th? ???n? ?t the pool ?nd ??rr??t?d h?r??lf. "Then ?g?in, I wouldn't ?ut it past these girl?."
"I ju?t g?t ?ff ?nd saw you h?r?," h? ??id ???u?ll?. Hi? eyes ??ntinu?d t? roam th? crowd of girl? ?nt?ring the th??t?r.
"I'm sure the girls h?d n?thing t? d? with it," she ??id. And?r? didn't r????nd, hi? ?tt?nti?n elsewhere. Sh? ?mirk?d ?nd ?t?rt?d t? h??d int? th? theater.
"Sk?," h? called after h?r. Hi? b?d? b?d? ???m?d t? find his br?in again ?nd h? f?ll?w?d h?r. "What did ??u say?" He caught up t? h?r as she w?lk?d towards th? front ?f th? th??t?r.