Page 21 of Perchance To Dream

"M?r? fr?m th? ?t?ri?? Jules tells m?," she said. "Ev?r? tim? she ??m?? b??k from a break she ?lw??? h?? some n?w ??n??rt story t? t?ll me. About h?w the l??d ?ing?r t?u?h?d h?r h?nd ?nd th?ir ???? met and ?h? kn?w in th?t moment they b?th felt ??m?thing electric."

"Pr?b?bl? ju?t a l??? wir? from hi? mi?," And?r? said. Sk? burst ?ut l?ughing. "He does h?v? g??d h?ir," h? added. The ??m?r? ?w????d in from th? right f?r a ?l??? u? and Kn?x wink?d at th? ??m?r?.

"I lik? hi? mu?i?," Sk? said. "H? has a good v?i?? ?nd th? ??ng? are catchy."

"Lik? th? ?n? fr?m l??t summer," h? ??id. "S?m?thing lik?, 'I ??n ??? th? light r?fl??ting off your skin, feel your sweet breath ?? I l??n in." H? was ?ff k??.

"W?w! I'm im?r????d Anders. I never kn?w you were a Kn?x H?milt?n fan."

"It was ?n th? r?di? ?ll th? time. I ??uld either fight it ?r giv? in ?nd ?nj?? th? ride."

"D? ??u lik? him m?r? th?n Willi?m Bentley?" ?h? ??k?d.

"Don't ?v?n j?k? ?b?ut th?t," h? ??id ??ri?u?l?.

Sk? l?ugh?d. Sh? l??k?d down t? ??? th? girl? ?till on th?ir f??t, but their d?n?ing had turn?d int? ?w??ing as Knox ?t?rt?d to ?ing a slow song.

And?r? w?t?h?d all the girl? ?w??ning b?l?w. "I think I'm g?ing t? head out b?f?r? I drown in ?ll th??? female hormones."

"Ok??. Is ?n??n? doing ?n?thing t?night?" she ??k?d.

Anders ?t??d fr?m hi? chair. "Probably ju?t something u? ?n deck. Wh?n ?r? ??u done h?r??"

"I'll be done ?r?und ten. W?nn? ??m? b? m? room ?t t?n-thirt?? W? ??n w?nd?r up to th? deck ?nd ??? wh?t people are d?ing?"

"S?und? g??d," he said.

Aft?r And?r? l?ft, Sk? stretched in her ?h?ir ?nd tri?d t? g?t more ??mf?rt?bl?. Sh? h?d gotten u? ??rl? that m?rning ?nd h?r last cup ?f coffee h?d been a couple ?f hours ?g?. Th? m?r? ?h? w?t?h?d the ??n??rt, the m?r? ?h? und?r?t??d why th? girls w?r? ?? ?r?z? f?r Kn?x. H? was charismatic ?nd smooth. Th? ???? w?? he t?lk?d in b?tw??n ??ng? m?d? it f??l personal.

H? w??n't b?d looking either. Sh? gave th? girls th?t. But ?h? ?till didn't understand the screaming. Th? closest she had ?v?r gotten to ??m?thing ?? crazy as th?t had b??n in the third grade over a boy all th? girl? loved. But if ?h? h?d b??n honest with herself, she was more doing it t? fit in th?n b???u?? ?h? actually found T?mm? Heller t? be all th?t ?m?zing.

Sky blamed her ??n?t?nt ?h?ng? in mu?i? f?r h?r in?bilit? to stick with one band ?r mu?i?i?n. If she liked a b?nd ?n? w??k, b? the n?xt ?h? h?d f?und a n?w ?n?. Sh? g?t t?? antsy li?t?ning t? th? same mu?i? just lik? ?h? got antsy wh?n ?h? ?t???d in the ??m? ?l??? for t?? l?ng.

Sk? w?t?h?d ?? Kn?x l?ft the stage ?ft?r the l??t song ?nd the light? went out. She brought u? the lights in the th??t?r and th? girls slowly ?t?rt?d t? gr?b th?ir ?ur??? ?nd l??v?. Sh? ?t??d ?t the ?xit ?nd said good night as th? girl? streamed ?ut.

"H?'? ?? ?m?zing!" ?n? ?f th? girl? said.

"I can't b?li?v? w? g?t to hang ?ut with him ?ll w??k!" another ?n? ??id.

"Bianca, wh?r? ?r? you going?" a girl ??ll?d ?ut. Sk? turn?d t? see a gr?u? ?f older girl? w?lking out of th? th??t?r. One girl broke ?w?? from th? gr?u?.

"Hi, d? ??u kn?w wh?t ?v?nt? Knox i? going t? b? ?t n?w?" the girl ??k?d. She was t?ll?r th?n Sk?, with h?r brunette h?ir h?lf up, th? ?th?r h?lf falling ?v?r ?n? ?h?uld?r ?nd ?kimming th? top ?f h?r tight strapless burgund? dress.

"L?t m? ?h??k th? ??h?dul?," Sk? ??id. Sh? walked to th? small ??n????i?n ?t?nd ?nd pulled ?ut the w??k'? ??h?dul?. She ???nn?d the v?ri?u? events g?ing on th?t night. Th? girl f?ll?w?d her ?nd l??n?d ?g?in?t the ??unt?r, t???ing her n?il?.

"Knox H?milt?n doesn't have ?n? events t?night," Sky ??id. "H? will be g?ing on th? Ancient Runes hik? t?m?rr?w in M?xi??." Th? girl gave a ??nd????nding smile ?nd l??n?d towards Sk?.

"Th?t'? gr??t but I wanna know about t?night. Wh?r? h? will b??" She ?m?h??iz?d th? last w?rd. Sk? ?t???d ?il?nt. She und?r?t??d the subliminal m????g? th? girl w?? ?l??ring trying to ??nv??. Sh? kn?w ?l??ing dumb w?uld ?nd the ??nv?r??ti?n f??t?r.

"I'm ?ur? th? staff i? ?riv? to certain details" the girl tried again. She pulled m?n?? ?ut ?f her purse. "And I w?nt t? kn?w th?m."

"Wh?n th? ??l?briti?? are ?ff th? ?l??k, the ?t?ff d???n't know where th?? g?," Sk? ?n?w?r?d. "But, they seem t? b? fr?qu?nting the ???ul?r spots. Th? b??t I ??n ?ff?r you is th? ?v?nt? that ?r? going on tonight." The girl ???m?d annoyed th?t Sk? didn't ?l?? ?l?ng with h?r g?m? but Sk? didn't have ?n? inf?rm?ti?n t? ?ff?r.

"Fine," th? girl said. She clapped h?r ?lut?h ?hut. "C?n ??u t?ll wh?t th? events ?r? f?r t?night?"

"All the b?r? ?r? ???n tonight, the Lenox ?nd th? Mir?g? b?th h?v? dance fl??r? and DJ?," Sk? ??id. "Th?r? i? ?l?? bingo and ?f course, th? casino is ?l?? ???n."

The girl th?ught ?v?r the ??ti?n? f?r a moment. "Where ?r? the tw? d?n?? clubs?" ?h? asked.