"D?n't w?rr? Cara, I think I ?nl? g?t tw?," Sk? said.
"Kn?x d???n't ??unt," Jul?? rushed t? ???.
Sk? rolled her ????. "Ar? ??u seriously going t? t?k? away ?n? ?ut ?f m? two ??l?briti???"
"I'm ju?t ???ing," Jul?? justified.
"Y?u gu?? h?v? b??n keeping tr??k of th? numb?r ?f celebrities you served?" Anders ??k?d, trying to figure ?ut wh?t th?? w?r? t?lking ?b?ut.
"I served Cl?ir? Bowen twice!!!" Jul?? b???t?d.
"Y?u ??n't count her twice th?ugh," Cara said.
"W? should ?r?b?bl? g?t ?ut th?r? and start ?l??ning u?," K?nn? ??id. Hi? ???? were still closed. He w?? laid ?ut ?v?r thr?? chairs.
"He's right, m??t people w?r? l??ving wh?n I br?ught my tr?? in," Sk? ??id.
"Alright, ?n thr??," Kenny ??id, hi? ???? still closed. "On?, two, thr??." Ev?r??n? watched ?? h? didn't m?v?.
"Gr??t leadership," And?r? ??id. He h????d u? on his f??t. "Alright ????l?, l?t'? m?k? this h????n." Jul?? ?nd Cara gave him a ??mi??l l??k until h? ?l????d hi? h?nd?, m?king th?m jum?.
"U? ?nd at it!" H? ?ull?d K?nn? ?ff his makeshift b?d. Th?? ?ll grumbl?d but ?l?wl? m?d? th?ir w?? ?ut t? th? lobby. Sk? l?ugh?d as And?r? m?v?d them along like a drill ??rg??nt.
"Wh?r? are ??u g?ing?" h? asked. H? ?t????d h?r as ?h? br?ught up th? r??r ?f the group.
"T? ?l??n u?, sir, yes ?ir," ?h? said in a loud v?i??, ??luting him.
"I ???r??i?t? ??ur ?nthu?i??m," h? said. "But I think ??u h?v? somewhere else ??u n??d t? be." Sh? gave him a questioning look, n?t ?x??tl? ?ur? wh?t he was t?lking ?b?ut. "Somewhere u? ?n th? first fl??r."
Sh? gave him a surprised ?mil?.
"H?'? g?tting ?ff ??rl? f?r security measures, th?t m??n? ??u ?nl? h?v?," h? l??k?d at th? ?l??k, "three ?nd a h?lf h?ur?."
"But I h?v? t? help ?l??n u?," ?h? said.
"G?t ?ut ?f here," h? said. H? pushed h?r in th? ?????it? direction. "I’ll m?k? ??m? ?x?u??."
"Y?u'r? the b??t," she ??id. She gave him a quick hug b?f?r? ?h? l?ft. She smiled ?? ?h? rode th? elevator u? but ?h? cautiously moved down th? hallway. Sh? ?l??r?d the whole floor t? make ?ur? n? ?r?z? f?n h?d gotten up there before she r?turn?d t? Knox's d??r ?nd kn??k?d.
"Hey!" she ??id wh?n h? ???n?d the door.
H? w?? ?l??rl? ?ur?ri??d. "H??, I thought ??u w?r? Calvin," h? ??id.
"It’s the hair, i?n't it? I t?ld him getting the ??m? haircut w?? a b?d idea," ?h? j?k?d.
Thi? ???m?d t? break Kn?x out of wh?t?v?r h? w?? confused about and h? l?ugh?d. "D?n't tell him, but I lik? ??ur h?ir ?ut better," he ??id.
"Th?nk?. Y?u bu???" ?h? ??k?d, already kn?wing th? ?n?w?r. H? was l??ving th? ship in thr?? ?nd a h?lf h?ur?, he ?h?uld b? ?l???ing.
"N?t at all," h? ??id. "Y?u g?t something in mind?"
"Y??h, ??m? with m?," ?h? said. She offered him her h?nd.
CHAPTER 30 - "NO!”
Sky h?ld ?n t? Kn?x'? h?nd as ?h? led him ?l?ng th? dark d??k, to th? fr?nt of the ?hi?. The ?k? w?? ?till black, but the ?ir h?ld a ??ft gl?w from th? lights ??ming fr?m inside th? ship. Th?? h?d d??k?d in Mi?mi towards th? ?nd ?f th? ??rt? ?nd they could see th? lights fr?m th? Mi?mi ?k?lin? off t? th?ir left.
"Have ??u ?v?r seen a ?unri?? from th? fr?nt of a ?hi??" she asked, wh?n they w?r? ?? ?l??? t? th? front ?f the ?hi? as th?? ??uld b?.