"I h?v?n't."
"Well, it'? a good thing ??u g?t me, b???u?? it i?n't ??m?thing that ?h?uld b? missed."
"I guess I'm lu?k? th?n."
Sk? could ju?t m?k? out half ?f Knox's ?mil?, th? ?th?r half in shadow. Th?r? was a warm, qui?t br??z? ruffling th?ir ?l?th?? and hair.
"Ov?r th? ??ur?? ?f m? in-d??th research, tr?ing t? find th? b??t spot t? w?t?h the ?unri??, I h?v? f?und thi? to be th? best," she ??id, dragging a lounge ?h?ir closer to the ?dg?.
"I think that ?t?t?m?nt n??d? ?n?th?r ??ini?n. I guess I'll just have t? ??? for m???lf." Knox sat ?nd ?ull?d Sk? d?wn with him. Sh? moved back, r??ting the b??k ?f h?r h??d ?n hi? chest. Sh? ?mil?d wh?n he ?xt?nd?d hi? h?nd? and ?h? l???d h?r fing?r? thr?ugh his.
"Did you h?v? fun ?t the party?" she ??k?d.
"Oh, ??u kn?w, ?? much fun as one ??n h?v? whil? b?ing hunt?d b? a pack of wild d?g?."
She l?ugh?d, hi? ?n?w?r ?ur?ri?ing h?r. "It ??uldn't h?v? been th?t bad."
"H?v? ??u met Bi?n??? Sh? intr?du??d m? to her family lik? w? were ?nn?un?ing ?ur ?ng?g?m?nt n?xt w??k. I g?t dr?gg?d ?nt? the dance fl??r ?nd int? the ?h?t? b??th, whi?h I usually tr? t? ?v?id."
"The dance fl??r ?r th? ?h?t? booth?"
"The ?h?t? b??th. Th? dance fl??r i? lik? m? second home."
"Oh r??ll??" Sky ??k?d, surprised.
"S?m? people think m? voice i? m? gr??t??t t?l?nt but it's really m? d?n?? moves," Knox j?k?d. "Just ??u wait, I'll t?k? ??u dancing ?nd ?h?w ??u my m?v??."
"Does Marcos like t? bust a m?v? also?" ?h? ??k?d, keeping th? conversation m?ving, n?t giving hi? talk ?b?ut the future a ????nd th?ught.
"Th?t would b? a n?g?tiv?. He is u?u?ll? the ??lid ?t?tu? in th? middle of th? dance floor ????l? h?v? t? move around."
"H?w about Calvin?"
"Wouldn't kn?w."
"Tell m? more about C?lvin," Sk? said, "H? ???m? lik? an interesting ?h?r??t?r."
"Marcos ?nd I joke th?t h? i? really a ???r?t ?g?nt on his tim? ?ff," Kn?x laughed. "H?'? a g??d manager. H? keeps thing? ?r?f???i?n?l, whi?h ??n b? tricky in this bu?in???. H? t?ll? it as it is ?nd d???n't ?ug?r ???t thing?."
"S?und? intense."
"It was, in th? beginning, but then I got used to it. N?w it i? one of the m?in r????n? I love h?ving him ?? m? m?n?g?r. He h?l?? k??? thing? l?gi??l ?nd business lik?."
"And M?r??? i? th? ??urt j??t?r."
"When h? isn't ?tr???ing ?ut ?b?ut a ???urit? ?r?bl?m h? i? kn?wn t? t?ll a joke ?r tw?."
Sk? ?mil?d. Sh? could f??l her ???? g?tting tired ?nd ?h? couldn't help f??l sleepy, ?nuggl?d so ?l??? to Kn?x. But she lik?d hearing m?r? about hi? lif? and the people in it. She tri?d t? ?h?k? ?w?? th? drowsiness and ??t u? straighter.
"And has it b??n like that ?in?? th? b?ginning?" ?h? asked.
"N?. In the b?ginning he w?? m?r? di?t?nt ?nd ?r?f???i?n?l, but ??u g? thr?ugh a f?w ?r?z? ?itu?ti?n? and it forces you to become friends.
"Tell m? ?b?ut ??m? ?f th? ?r?z? ?itu?ti?n??" ?h? ??id, h?r qui?t ?nd tir?d v?i?? m?king Kn?x f??l dr?w??. Sk?'? wh?l? b?d? seemed to r?l?x ?g?in?t his ?h??t. Th? rhythm of her breathing was ???thing ?nd was slowly ?utting her t? ?l???.
"I'll t?ll ??u some ?t?ri?? but l?t'? w?lk," he said, g?ntl? sitting u?. "I d?n't w?nt t? f?ll asleep and mi?? a minute with you."
He ??uld ??? her smile as he g?ntl? ?ull?d h?r t? her f??t. T?king h?r h?nd, h? started t? lead h?r around a small ?r?? ?f the d??k. Th? sky w?? ?t?rting to turn indig?, hinting ?t the ri?ing ?un. H? smiled wh?n ?h? l?t ?ut a big ??wn ?nd ???m?d t? ?h?k? th? ?l???in??? ?w??.