"Onl? if you'll h?v? ?n? with me," he ??id.
"I wi?h," ?h? ??id. Sh? h?ld th? tray ?ut f?r him.
"Th?nk?," h? ??id, t?king a cup. A? she ?t?rt?d t? m?v? away, Kn?x casually walked n?xt t? h?r but ?t???d f?r ?n?ugh ?w?? n? ?n? would think th?? w?r? w?lking t?g?th?r.
"H?w is it g?ing?" she ??k?d, between ?ff?ring ????l? a drink.
"Cr?z?, but I'm still alive so th?t'? ??m?thing. Wh?n are w? g?ing t? be able to hang out?" h? ??k?d. A look flashed across h?r face before it returned t? neutral. H? couldn't tell wh?t she w?? thinking.
"I h?v?n't figured th?t ?ut yet. H?v? a g??d evening," she ??id hurri?dl?. Sh? w?lk?d ?w?? ?? a group ?f girl? ???r???h?d.
"H?v? you been in th? ?h?t? booth ??t?" they asked.
"Y?u h?v? t? tr? it!"
Th? girl? took his h?nd? ?nd ?ull?d him t?w?rd? the booth, letting ?ut excited giggles wh?n they spotted th? ?r???. Kn?x ?t??d th?r? whil? th? girl? dug thr?ugh the big pile, l?ughing ?t over sized gl????? and crazy wig?.
"Wear thi?," ??m??n? ??id. Th?? ?l???d a bright ?ink, sequins h?t ?n hi? h??d.
"Alright, move in ?l??? t?g?th?r," th? ?h?t?gr??h?r ??ll?d ?ut. H? m?ti?n?d f?r them t? m?v? in with his h?nd?. Knox gr?bb?d a ??ir of d?rk ?ungl????? and ?li???d ?n ?v?r ?iz?d ti? ?v?r his head.
"Kn?x in th? middl?," someone ??ll?d out. Th? girls ??rt?d and h? ?qu??z?d in. A f?w girl? wrapped th?ir ?rm? ?r?und him ?n?? h? was settled.
"Alright, l??k thi? w?? ?nd l?t? ??? big ?mil??!" th? ?h?t?gr??h?r said. Kn?x was willing t? ???? f?r a f?w ?i?tur?? but wh?n the girl? went back t? th? ?r??? t? g?t n?w ?n??, he dr????d his ?nd w?lk?d ?w??.
"Why ?r? you grinning lik? an idiot?" Sk? ??k?d And?r? as she ??m? to ?t?nd b? him. He h?d b??n hovering ?n th? ?dg? ?f th? m?in l?bb? all night, making sure n?thing got out of ??ntr?l. H? didn't ??? anything. In?t??d, he rolled his ???? to th? l?ft. She followed the dir??ti?n and ???tt?d a t?ll m?n in a suit, w??ring a ??wb?? hat.
"Mr. Willi?m B?ntl??, I ?r??um?," ?h? ??id.
"Y?? m?'?m," h? ??id.
"H? looks thir?t?." She ?t?rt?d t? move in hi? dir??ti?n.
"What ?r? you d?ing?" he ??k?d.
"I'm ju?t g?ing t? ?ff?r th?t gr?u? ?f gentleman ??m? drink?." She l?ugh?d ?t his shocked f??? as she turn?d ?nd w?lk?d t?w?rd? William B?ntl??'? gr?u?. She m?d? a ?l?w circle, ?ur? ??m??n? would b? int?r??t?d and shot Anders a ?l? ?mil? wh?n William Bentley him??lf, asked for a drink.
"Of ??ur??," ?h? offered. She held the tr?? out for him. Th? r??t of th? m?n gr?bb?d a ?u? ?nd ?l??r?d ?ff her tr??.
"I ??n't believe that ju?t happened," Anders said when she w?lk?d b??k to wh?r? h? w?? ?t?nding. "Wh?t did he say? I? th?t hi? favorite drink? Wh?t w?? th? drink?"
"You n??d a new h?bb?," ?h? joked.
Sh? r?turn?d to th? kitchen for more cups and then blended int? th? ?r?wd ?g?in. Sh? broke away fr?m th? m?in l?bb?, f??ling ?lightl? ?l?u?tr??h?bi? ?nd w?? w?lking t?w?rd? ?n? ?f the l?ung?? wh?n ?h? spotted Kn?x at th? ?h?t? b??th with a group of girl?. Sh? laughed wh?n ??m??n? put a bright pink h?t ?n him but ?h? k??t m?ving, ?h? needed t? ?t?? f??u??d ?n h?r j?b.
* * *
"I'm ?? full I ??uld bur?t. Pass m? ?n?th?r cookie," And?r? ??id. Sk? laughed but handed ?v?r ?n?th?r cookie, kn?wing hi? stomach was a b?tt?ml??? ?it.
"M? f??t hurt," Jul?? whin?d. All ?x?it?m?nt from seeing ??l?briti?? was long g?n?. Sh? slowly r?m?v?d h?r shoes and began to m????g? h?r f??t.
"This is ?? g??d," And?r? ??id, finishing off the l??t h?lf ?f th? cookie in ?n? bite.
"Wh?t w?? th? fin?l ??unt, Julie B???" Sky ??k?d.
Jul??'? face lit? u? with a victorious l??k. "Thirt?-fiv?."
"Seriously?" C?r? ??k?d. "I ?nl? g?t tw?nt?-nin?."