
My body tingles as I pull into the driveway. This Christmas is going to be special.

I've missed my family something awful since leaving for college a few months ago. After leaving on bad terms, neither I nor my family had extended any kind of olive branch to smooth things over. I'll make them understand how the things they said hurt me, and we'll hug and cry and everything will go back to like it was before: one happy, loving family.

When I don't notice my brother's car in the driveway, my mind starts to try to tell me the reality of my return will be very different than my dreams.

Shut up, brain. It's going to be perfect.

I hop out of my car, grab my suitcase from the backseat, and jog across the yard. Instead of my parents waiting for me on the porch, I find a note taped to the front door.


Dad and I waited for you for an hour before we left. Would it have killed you to make it home at the time you promised? It would have really helped get things off on the right foot.

Make yourself at home. We’ll be back later.

Love, Mom

P.S. No parties. No messes.


P.S.S. We changed the locks recently. Your key won't work anymore. Ask Gavin to let you in.

-Also, Dad

The note crushes my hopes for my Christmas break.

I’m clearly not going to have the perfect Hallmark-Christmas moment with my family.

I probably won't even get back on talking terms with them.

Hell, I probably won't even get my own key to my own house.

I drop the suitcase in front of the porch swing, blow out a sigh of frustration, and look over at Gavin's house. It's a mirror image of our Colonial-style home. Our kitchens face each other, and our garages are on the far sides of the houses. My bedroom is above the kitchen and has a perfect view of the home gym Gavin installed in the room that corresponded with my bedroom.

My nipples harden at the memories of the hunk I grew up next door to, working out each night before bed.

Gavin is my dad's best friend. They’re the same age, so he was completely off-limits, of course. Not that he would have ever thought of me as anything other than the little girl next door.

It never stopped me from fantasizing about his bulging biceps, or his massive chest, or the tight shorts that I swore sometimes gave me a hint of his dick.

I fan my face, but it doesn't stop me from blushing.

Stop being a baby and go get the key.

It's not like a man like Gavin would ever be interested in someone like me. I'm too young, too curvy, and he probably remembers me as the annoying pipsqueak who stammered over her words whenever I tried to talk to him.

I consider breaking the window and climbing into my house. My dad would disown me if I hurt his precious house.

I glance at my phone to check the time before realizing I have no idea when they’ll be home.

Instead, I hurry across our yards and knock on his door before my courage fades.

I’ll show him I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m a sophisticated college woman who has kissed two men this semester. Both on first dates. Neither resulted in a second date.

I push the negative thoughts aside, ready to...what? Seduce him?