God. As if I could ever dare.

Immediately after knocking, I wipe my sweaty hands on my dress. The cold of winter back up north hits me. Goosebumps break out on my arms.

"Who is it?" Gavin calls out from somewhere above me.

I look around but can't find him. "It's me. Maisy. I just got home from college. There was a note. Key."

I nearly die from embarrassment as I quickly forget how to talk.

Still invisible, Gavin says, "Ah, that's right. Your mom mentioned you'd be stopping by. Grab hold of the ladder, and I'll come on down and give you what you need."

I get dizzy at the thought of him giving me what I really need, which is for him to pin me against the nearest wall, hike up my dress, and slide his fat dick into my tight, virgin—

He calls out to me again. "Maisy, hold the ladder so I can get you the key."

I shake my head to rid myself of the daydream. Of course he doesn’t want to fuck my young innocent body. He’s a sexy, experienced man of the world. He has his pick of any of the single women in town. He doesn’t need an awkward, inexperienced girl like me.

Hell, he probably kissed two women the last time he went grocery shopping.

The metal ladder is cold. I grab the middle of one of the rungs with both hands, press my cheek against the icy aluminum, and tell myself I'm taking a long, cold shower the second I get inside my parents’ house.

When the ladder bounces in my hands, I look up and see a god descending from heaven.

Gavin's wearing construction boots, but it's the blue jeans that catch all of my attention. More accurately, it’s the way the snug jeans cup his perfect ass, making my mouth water.

"Damn," I mumble under my breath.

"What's that?" he asks.

"Nothing. Just...remember...something. Hi."

I close my eyes and hope lightning strikes me.

No such luck.

I'm startled back to reality when something denim hits my hand. Opening my eyes, I see that Gavin has basically straddled my arms. I'd barely have to move to touch the treasure between his legs.

I jerk away. "Sorry."

Gavin laughs. "Don't worry about it. It's not every day a pretty lady touches my pants."

He called me pretty. I must be dreaming.

I pinch my arm, but he's finished descending the ladder and is standing in front of me, close enough to touch.

Touch me, Gavin. I won't tell my dad.

His smile makes me forget how miserable I'd been a minute ago. The entire trip home has already been worth the effort.

I've never stood this close to him before. He smells likeman. Raw, powerful, masculine man. The kind who can build a house with his own hands or kill a mountain lion just by glaring at it.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Whatever it is, I want to make it worse. Gavin makes me want to be a very naughty girl.

I want him to take me in his arms and carry me into his house. I need him to lie me on his bed and make love to me until the entire town has heard me scream his name.

Instead of telling him all that, my stupid mouth kills the moment. "Why...roof leaking?"