Page 13 of Glitch

I frown and stand without eating the biscuit I prepared.

“You ladies need to figure out what you want then get back to me. These aren’t simple decisions to make and will change all our lives. Thank you for the coffee. Lacey, call me when you know what you want to do.” I nod at her and turn to leave.

I grab my hat and open the front door. As I place it on my head, I hear Makayla’s angry voice.

“What you want? Who does he think he is? I have as much say in this as you. He only agreed to do this cause he wants to fuck you.” I step out and close the door loudly so she knows I heard every word she said.

The bitch is right. I’d give my left nut to get Lacey pregnant like god intended. Either way, what Makayla needs to realize is that if Lacey decides to do this legally, she has no fucking say.

The thought makes me smile when I get back to my bike.



“What you want? Who does he think he is? I have as much say in this as you. He only agreed to do this cause he wants to fuck you.” The front door slams, and my fury doubles.

“You’ve been acting like a royal bitch all week, Makayla! Now you pull this stunt and insult, then accuse a personal friend who just offered to help us just because what he said might be right! Fuck you. I never thought you’d turn into such a selfish cunt.” I grab my keys and helmet and storm out of the kitchen.

I need to go apologize to Kooper.

“Lacey, wait! I’m sorry. This is just stressful for me. I’m jealous!” she yells at my back, and I stop at her last comment.

“Of Kooper? Makayla,” Her head shaking shuts me up.

“NO. No, not him. You.” Me?

“What?” She sighs and drops down on the couch.

“I want it to be me. I want to carry our child and I can’t. I don’t mean to be a bitch. I just need to be involved as much as possible because this is the closest I’ll ever get. I’m jealous you’re whole, and I’m not. I want to experience this. It is selfish. I’m sorry.” She burst into tears, and I dropped my helmet.

“Baby, I’m so sorry.” I hug her to me and rock her in my arms.

“No, don’t apologize to me. You’re right. I was such a cunt to him. Can you please tell him I’m sorry?” She wipes her face with the sleeve of her shirt and looks up at me.

“Sure. Kooper isn’t the grudge-holding type.” I look down at her, and I see the woman I fell in love with years ago.

“He’s a good guy?” She hiccups, and I chuckle at how much younger it makes her seem.

“The best. Honestly, he’d be the perfect dad.” I can picture Kooper with a kid hanging off two arms and legs with a happy dog chasing him around my yard.

“He has a huge family and loving parents. He knows what a true family looks like.” I muse as I look at the door he slammed.

“I guess one of this kid’s parents should. Go find him. Tell him if he’s still willing, we’d love to have him. Our problems aren’t as bad as they seem. We just need to talk them out.” I glance down at her again because up until today, when Kooper pointed it out, I had no clue we had a problem, let alone several to make it plural.

Before I can question what she means, her cell phone rings from the kitchen. She bounces off my lap to answer it like she wasn’t a distraught crying mess moments ago.

I stand slowly feeling like I’ve been dismissed and look down the hallway to she Makayla as chipper as ever. I glance at the couch were we sat a moment ago have what I thought was an intimate conversation and frown to myself.

Her giggling makes a cold shiver run down my spine, and I question everything that happened today.

We’ve been fighting more than communicating lately, and her explanation makes sense up to a point, but yet again, my feelings and concerns on the matter have been pushed aside.

My phone vibrates in my pocket.

I pull it out and curse when I see Abel’s smiling face on my screen.

“You fucker! Stop hacking my phone with your ridiculous photos, and when the fuck are you coming back? I’m on the verge of quitting I swear to God!” I grab my helmet and walk outside without saying goodbye to Makayla.