Page 12 of Glitch

I’ve always thought Makayla strange, but now I’m wondering if there’s more to it. I keep my comments to myself for now but I will need to ask Lacey about it in private.

“Sorry, I don’t like sarcasm and prefer you just speak plainly.” Now, it’s my turn to look at Lacey.

“Makayla!” Lacey hisses, but her partner just shrugs.

“What? My house is my safe place. Sarcasm leaves too much room for interpretation. I don’t want to guess what people are saying to me. It’s not a big deal or much to ask, especially with what we’re getting ready to discuss.” Hmm, I understand where she’s coming from, but there had to be a less bitch way to say it.

“Oh, and stop all the little pet names. There demeaning.” Makayla turns to get a carton of orange juice out of the fridge, and I glance at Lacey.

She’s staring daggers at her girl and I can’t help wondering if this is all one big mistake. They don’t seem happy at all. How would a child feel in this environment?

“You want a frank conversation I can definitely do that,” I say to break the tension in the room.

“Thank you.” Makayla pours me a glass of juice and then pushes a basket of biscuits at me.

I ignore her offering and look her straight in the eye.

“Do you want this baby to fix this relationship? ‘Cause I am not seeing a happy, warm home where any future child of mine would be growing up at the moment.” Lacey drops the knife she was using to cut a biscuit open, and Makayla sets the carton down to stare at me.

“Well, that is frank.” I nod at her.

“I’m a simple man. You get what you ask for. You two seem to be rushing into this, and whether or not I’m involved in the day-to-day raising of a child, I help make, damn well make sure they are safe. So, are you trying to fix a broken relationship with a child?” I’m not backing down and she must see that because she takes a seat and looks at Lacey.

“Are we?” Lacey asks, and I can see on her face that my words have hit a sore spot.

I feel horrible for any hurt I may have caused her, but the words needed to be said, and her bitch of a girlfriend gave me the perfect opportunity.

“I guess we have even more to talk about.” I hum and look at the counter, searching for coffee.

“May I?” I point at the pot, and Makayla nods.

“Of course, mugs are in that cabinet. Milk and sugar are here on the table.” She returns her eyes to Lacey, who is watching me.

I stand and walk over to grab my coffee to give them a moment. I pour as slowly as I can and try not to eavesdrop, but the kitchen isn’t all that big. A very short, hushed conversation is had in which I hear the words ‘He might be right’ and ‘We’ll find someone else.’ I frown as I replace the pot.

It’s clear that Makayla wants this baby no matter what Lacey thinks. She’s the selfish bitch I’ve always thought of her, and no way I am leaving Lacey alone in this situation.

I face them and bring the mug of black coffee up to my lips.

“Kooper, it might be best if we seek out other opinions,” Lacey says, and I shake my head.

“If you two feel comfortable enough to continue, then I’m still willing. I just need to voice my concern on the matter. Now, in terms of procreation, what were y’all thinking?” Lacey takes Makayla’s hand and squeezes it.

“We have an appointment with the OB next week. Lacey would start hormones, get eggs removed, and then you would need to provide the semen sample. After that, if all the testing comes back well, they’d track Lacey’s cycle and do the implantation. Should take about three months.” I nod and take another sip of coffee.

“Are you going for multiples or doing a single egg?” Makayla cracks a smile at me.

“You know about this process?” I nod and rejoin them at the table.

“I do. One of my brothers went through it with their wife. I have three nieces now.” I take a biscuit and slather it in butter and strawberry jam.

“It’s going to depend on how the egg retrieval goes. Two eggs max, though.” Lacey adds with a strange look on her face.

“Well, that covers the basics. Let’s talk after. Would you want me involved?” Lacey and Makayla talk over each other.

