Page 14 of Glitch

That should make me feel sad, but instead, all I feel is indifference on the matter.

“Well, hello to you too. My vacation was fantastic. Check out how tan I am!” I grind my teeth at his voice.

“Abel,” I say as I start my Harley.

“I know Glitch. I have three candidates lined up for this week.” I sigh in relief.

“Thank you.” I mean it with all my heart.

“Don’t thank me yet. They need to pass the test first.” Fuck.

“Why are you such a psycho?” I switch the call to Bluetooth and put my helmet on.

“Mad genius, we’ve talked about this. Clinical, I’m as sane as you are.” I snort at him.

“I’d like to see the medical licenses of the professional who would ever claim that.” He laughs at me as I pull into Reno traffic.

“I called for another reason. I took a glance at the flash drive info you uploaded to the server. It had a very familiar feel and signature to it.” I stopped at a red light, trying to decide where Kooper would be going, and decided the clubhouse was as good a place as any to start my search.

“Yeah, it reminded me of you, actually,” Abel grunts at my comment.

“I would never be so sloppy. But you’re not wrong. It’s almost as if this person wanted to make it look like it could be me.” I pull into the clubhouse and park.

“They’re trying to throw us off.” I sit looking around the lot and see Kooper’s bike under a tree.

“They’re trying to plant mistrust, and I don’t fucking like being anyone scapegoat. You handle the new recruits, and I’ll figure this out. No one can fake being me, better than me.” He hangs up, and I go over his words again.

The fact that it makes sense should scare me, but it’s probably the sanest thing he’s ever said to me.

“Hey there, Darlin’,” I take my helmet off and turn to see Kooper leaning up against Blaze’s truck with a joint in his fingers.

He pulls on it making the tip light up bright orange in the shadow of the trees he’s standing in. Reno isn’t as hot as New Orleans, but it can get pretty but in direct sunlight. He’s used to finding a shady area to have his smokes in.

He takes the joint from his lips and offers it in my direction.

“I shouldn’t.” He clicks his tongue at me.

“Might want to rethink that. You might be pregnant soon, which means no liquor, weed, or sushi.” My eyes widen at him, and he chuckles.

“Why would any woman subject herself to that and all the other delights of pregnancy?” I walk over and take it from him, inhaling deeply.

“Why indeed? You figure out your reasoning yet?” I blow out the smoke slowly.

“Love,” I whisper more for myself, but he hears and nods at me in understanding.

“Who’s love Darlin’?”

Dammit, why did he have to ask me that?



She passes me back my joint, and I take one more long drag before pinching the cherry off and tucking the butt beyond my ear. I blow the smoke out above her head, giving her a little more time to answer me before I push her more.

“My love. The one I have to give to someone else.” I raise an eyebrow at that.

“You sound like you’re implying Makayla ain’t been getting your love. I know there’s something going on with you two. It’s plain as day to anyone looking.” She shakes her head with a soft laugh.