Page 30 of Consumed

“Better me than Trigger. I swear he’s still grinning. One of these days you are going to have to tell me what you said,” Blue stated as she scanned the room.

It seemed that no one else found Harley’s outburst threatening and everything was okay.

“You good?” Blue asked while looking at Harley with every bit of doubt that she felt.

Harley nodded. “Yeah. Thanks for keeping me from getting too crazy.”

“You may want to thank Layla, too,” Blue suggested.

When Harley refocused her attention on the bar, Blue looked over at the table Rock and Stone sat up. One of Rock’s eyebrows was arched high on his forehead while Stone looked to be wiping tears from his eyes as he laughed. Blue shrugged not knowing what else to do.

Then she returned to making drinks. There was never a dull day around the clubhouse. Usually, the most excitement was one of the sweet butts arguing over whose bed they would warm for a few hours.

A far cry from Slayers. There was usually a fight or two every night. Sometimes it ended with guns or knives being pulled.

The Ravens and the Slayers were like night and day. But she wasn’t fooling herself into thinking that the Ravens were angels. About a week ago, they’d gone on a run. She hadn’t asked for details because not only did she not want to know, it was the only way she could keep from being a nervous wreck.

It had also been the confirmation that she needed about her feelings for them. Upon their safe return, she greeted them with a smile and tended bar in celebration. It hadn’t been until she had been alone in the shower that she curled up in the corner and let her tears flow.

That had been where Stone and Rock had discovered her. Embracing her as she cried. Once her tears had dried, they bathed her before tucking her into bed between them.

It was the first night she had been restless since first arriving at the Raven's compound. But for a different reason. Back then she’d been concerned about her safety. Now she was worried about theirs.

Her attachment to them was no longer deniable. Instead of being worried about her past, she had to start thinking about her future.

Relief flowed through her when Everest let out a shrill whistle.

“Last call,” he shouted.

Blue exhaled a sigh of relief and began collecting the glasses that needed to be cleaned before they left for the night. Just as she finished, Harley walked over with her stack.

“Let’s take these to the kitchen then get Santos to take the trash out,” Blue stated.

“The quicker, the better. After my run-in with Trigger, I need a drink,” Harley grumbled as she led the way.

Blue shook her head as they entered the kitchen. “Hey, Santos. We’re—”

Pain radiated through her as something slammed into the base of her skull. The last thing she saw as the ground rushed up toward her was Harley collapsing next to her.