Page 29 of Consumed

She looked up as Harley called out to her. “Depends on what it is.”

Harley rolled her eyes before nodding toward a tray holding two drinks. “Can you deliver that for me? Miste is slammed.”

Blue frowned. They weren’t that busy. A few more people than usual had stopped by the club but nothing insane.

“Sure. Who is it for?”

Harley scowled. “Trigger.”

Blue laughed before she could stop herself. “Nope. That’s all yours.”

“Come on,” Harley complained. “He waited until he knew Miste was busy and sent the order over via a prospect.”

“Then have the prospect deliver it,” Blue suggested.

“I would if I could find him,” Harley stated.

“Sucks to be you,” Blue teased.

“Blue, please,” Harley begged.

Blue shook her head. “You aren’t getting out of this one. Go deliver your man his drinks.”

“He isn’t my man,” Harley protested.

“And you say I’m in denial about Stone and Rock,” Blue retorted.

Harley growled before walking over to snatch the two drinks off the tray. Blue held in her laughter as the spunky woman stormed by her. Harley didn’t realize it now but Trigger was just the man she needed. Blue couldn’t think of anyone else who could handle Harley. While she was more reserved than most, when the other side of Harley came out you had better buckle up and hold on.

She leaned against the bar and watched the interaction between the two. Blue fought a shiver at the way Trigger watched Harley as she walked over to his table. It reminded her of the way Stone and Rock looked at her.

She’d seriously started thinking about taking them up on their offer. Staying with them permanently, marrying Rock, and having their children. Things that a few months ago would have sent her running.

Her eyes widened when Harley leaned forward and pointed a finger at Trigger. When he smiled Blue rushed from around the bar to rescue her friend. Fortunately, Layla was closer and quicker.

“Harley, get your ass back over to the bar,” Blue called out when she was close enough.

Harley ignored her, still laying into Trigger with language Blue had never heard her use. Gripping her friend by the waist she physically dragged Harley back to the bar, bodily blocking her in when Harley attempted to get back to Trigger.

“Blue, get out of my way. I want to kick Trigger's ass, not yours, but I won’t hesitate to start with you.”

Blue held up her hands in a non-threatening fashion. “Harley, I’m just trying to save your life. This is Trigger we’re talking about. We both know he would shoot first then ask questions. The man actually smiled, Harley. He smiled. I didn’t know he had the facial muscles capable of that.”

Harley froze then much to Blue’s relief, Harley began to laugh.

“Oh shit. He did grin, didn’t he?” Then she groaned. “I’m so fucked.”

“Maybe not. What did you say?” Blue probed.

“Something I shouldn’t have but it’s his fault. That asshole started it,” Harley claimed.

“Yeah, but you are seriously poking the bear,” Blue warned. “One that looks like he’s about to toss you over his shoulder and carry you out.”

“I wish he would. I’d shoot his ass with his gun,” Harley threatened.

“Pretty sure he’d consider that foreplay,” Blue deadpanned.

Harley cracked up. Leaning over to grab her knees as she fought for control. “I hate you right now,” she managed to get out between gasps.