Chapter 15
Rock pushed back from the table after checking his watch for the third time. Stone looked over at him.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“Blue and Harley have been gone too long. They didn’t have that many glasses,” Rock stated.
Stone stood. “Isn’t Santos on watch?”
“Yeah, but they’ve been gone too long,” Rock replied as he headed for the kitchen.
He lengthened his stride as panic filled him, pausing when he found the room empty. Immediately he reached for his gun. Stone did the same.
“Where are they?” Stone demanded.
“I don’t know but something is wrong,” Rock retorted before he continued forward.
As soon as he cleared the island fear filled him. He put his gun away and fell to his knees. “Fuck! Lock down the compound. Slayers are here.”
Santos lay in a pool of blood motionless. Shattered glass was everywhere. Pressing a finger to his throat, Rock exhaled in relief. His pulse was faint but he had one.
He rushed over to Harley not seeing any visible injuries. She stirred when he touched her.
“Harley, where’s Blue?” he asked while tapping her cheek.
Harley’s eyes jerked open then she stiffened before letting out a moan. Her hand went to the back of her head.
“What happened?” she whispered.
“Where’s Blue?” he repeated.
Harley’s eyes widened. “I don’t know. Someone surprised us from the back. The last thing I remember is a sharp pain to the back of my head.”
When she went to move, Rock stopped her. “Hang on a second. You were unconscious. We need to check you out before you do too much moving.”
She looked over and saw Santos. Crying out she went to move again.
“Harley,” Rock shouted. “Stop. He’s alive. I need to put pressure on his wound but you have to stay still.”
When she nodded, he released her and pushed to his feet. Just as he did the door to the kitchen burst open. He instinctively reached for his gun pausing when he realized it was Stone with help.
“Trigger, check on Harley. She was unconscious. A hard hit to the head from the back.”
His enforcers’ expression turned to one of pure anger as he crossed the room. But he couldn’t focus on that right now.
“Deacon, Viking, I need your help with Santos. He’s bleeding. Lost a shit load of blood. Can’t tell from where. Link, Everest, get the computer up. Need to see if we can track Blue. They can’t be far.”
When no one moved he realized he had taken command without permission. “Fuck! Sorry Stone. I’m just—”
“Right. You are second in command for a reason. You all heard him. Let’s move.”
He walked back over to Harley, who grimaced as Trigger gently probed the back of her head.
“Hospital or call the doctor in?” Rock asked Trigger.
“Doc,” Trigger said. “I’m pretty sure she’s concussed. We can handle that here. What’s the plan?”