A short search led her to the kitchen. She lost her train of thought at the sight of them. Both men were shirtless and sat at the table. Stone had on a pair of flannel lounge pants while Rock donned a simple pair of boxer shorts.
Her mind went completely blank. These two gorgeous men were all hers if she said the word. She squeezed her hands into fists to keep from touching them as she walked by.
Rock’s expression was full of concern as she joined them at the table. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she replied with a shake of her head. “I couldn’t sleep. I have a lot on my mind.”
“Want to talk about it?” Stone asked.
“Yes and no,” she answered honestly. “Even though I’ve thought about it quite a bit lately, it’s a lot different trying to say the words aloud.”
“We aren’t in a rush,” Rock assured her.
“I know, but I need both of you in my bed tonight. Not because I want sex, even though it’s definitely going to happen.”
Both men chuckled at her honesty.
“But I need you to understand why my viewpoint is the way it is because it’s not going to change overnight and I don’t want to frustrate you,” she admitted.
“Would you like something to drink?” Stone asked.
“Just water,” she requested.
If he was shocked he didn’t show it. Instead, she focused on finding the right words as he fetched her drink. She took a few extra minutes as she tried to figure out where to start.
“My father killed my mother,” she began. “Not literally but figuratively. He loved the Slayers more than he loved her...even me sometimes. Everything was about the club. He didn’t treat her with any sort of importance.”
Blue paused and took a sip of water. After she swallowed, she cleared her throat and continued.
“There were always other women and he never tried to hide it. My mother lost more and more of herself every day. She turned to alcohol and drugs. I have to assume as a way to cope. I don’t know. I was too young to talk to her about it.”
Blue hesitated as she got to the tough part.
“Then one day she just didn’t wake up. No matter how much I screamed and cried. My father was the only one able to pull me away from her body. After that day, he treated me a little better. Protected me more. We never discussed it but it affected him just as much as it affected me.”
She paused again and squeezed her eyes shut as she drew in a steadying breath. Then she made eye contact with Rock and Stone for the first time since she’d started speaking.
“I don’t want to become my mother,” she finally whispered.
Rock was the first to move. Before she could draw a deep breath he had her in his embrace. “Damn it, Blue. We would never let that happen. Stone and I will never do anything to make you feel that way.”
He cupped her face as he sat down in the chair she’d just been in. “Are we going to get on your nerves? Hell yeah. We’re men. It’s in our DNA to screw up something. But I swear to make it to you by fucking you senseless every single time.”
A tear slipped from her left eye as she laughed. “I can’t stand you right now.”
Stone pushed away from the table before walking over to them. His gaze was so intense she struggled not to look away. He cupped her face between his hands before leaning down and kissing her senselessly. When he lifted his head, the intensity was still there.
“You have my word that we will never do anything to make you feel worthless. Give us a chance to prove it. Yes, we live in a dangerous world but we will never make a move to intentionally put you in harm’s way. If you become ours and officially let us claim you, you will see that there isn’t anything we wouldn’t do to protect you.”
Blue closed her eyes at the heartfelt words and pressed her face into the palms of his hands. “I believe you, I just need a little time to catch up.”
“Understood,” Stone stated before pressing another kiss to her lips before pulling away.
She turned to look at Rock who watched her intently. “I need both of you beside me tonight. It’s the only way I’ll feel safe. That’s the other thing I came down here to tell you.”
Rock grinned. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that. Let’s go to bed.”
Blue stood as he helped her to her feet before taking Stone’s outstretched hand. A part of her wondered if it would always be this overwhelming to have the full attention of two men.