She hesitated when Rock didn’t take the hand she extended to him. He took it and placed a kiss on her palm before lowering her hand.
“I need to make sure the house is secure. I will be up to join you in a bit.”
“Okay,” she whispered before turning to follow Stone.
He was silent along the way, stopping once they reached her room. “Go get ready for bed. Rock and I will join you soon.”
She nodded because her nerves rendered her incapable of speech. Instead, she stepped inside the room, leaving the door open as she headed to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth before slipping off the pajama pants she wore. The top was long enough to keep her decent for now. Then she rushed to climb into the bed.
Thankfully she didn’t have to wait long for Rock and Stone to appear. Rock entered the room first with Stone bringing up the rear. He closed the door while Rock continued toward the bed.
“You cold?” Rock asked as he pulled the blanket away, revealing her bare legs.
Stone appeared on the other side of the bed. “You have too many clothes on.”
She arched a dark brow in his direction. He still had his pajama pants on. “So do you.”
No later than the words left her mouth, Stone grabbed the waistband of his pants and shoved them downward. A rustling sound told her that Rock had done the same, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Stone.
Last night she hadn’t had the chance to appreciate them because all the focus had been on her. She planned to do things a little differently tonight. Sitting up, she reached for the hem of her top and wiggled to ease it from underneath her bottom before tugging it over her head. As soon as the top fell from her hands, Stone made his move.
A gasp exploded from her as he lowered his head and captured one of her breasts in his mouth while taking the other in his hand. She moaned as she realized her plan was quickly waning.
Then she was distracted as Rock began to kiss his way up her legs. Stone didn’t stop teasing and tormenting her breasts with his unrelenting tongue.
Fire began to sweep through every inch of her body as Rock’s lips pressed against her knee. Nothing could pull her attention away from the two men worshiping her body. There was nothing more important than the moment they were locked in.
For so many years she’d denied herself the simpler things in life—love, affection, romance. Until arriving at the Ravens she had no idea how desperately she’d been craving it. She could never pretend that she’d been happy with the Slayers. Escaping would have been unnecessary if that were the case.
She’d thought she was okay, but as her body tingled with pleasure she realized that she’d only been existing.
With steady hands, Rock tugged her down on the bed until she was lying flat. She would have protested over the fact that he’d dislodged Stone but she couldn’t muster up the strength. They were just getting started and the two of them already had her incapable of speech.
Rock hovered over her, resting his weight on his elbows as he looked down at her. Stone’s hands dipped between her thighs and began to circle her clit. She gasped and closed her eyes.
“Open your eyes,” Rock demanded.
When she pried them open, the first thing she saw was the deep flecks of green in the light green of his eyes. She could see herself in the beautiful orbs and knew, that it didn’t matter how little of a time she’d known these two men. Somehow, somewhere along the way, she’d started to fall for them.
“You’ve got to stop holding back. Let go of everything and lose control. Trust us to catch you,” he said as he pressed his lips lightly against hers.
Her heart fluttered at the thought of letting go. Letting go meant so much. When he pulled away, she knew that with these two men, she would be safe.
She nodded and Rock’s lips hungrily descended upon hers once more— only this time the kiss was fierce and passionate and not only did it claim her physically, but it claimed her on an emotional level.
Rock pulled away and it took all of her willpower not to protest. When she heard the crinkle of protection being opened she knew she wouldn’t have to wait much longer. Then Rock nudged Stone’s hands out of the way, moved between her legs, and claimed her with one full thrust. Her back arched from the bed and she cried out in passion. He began to move in and out.
“Let go,” he growled as he reached down and pinched her nipples between his fingers, pulling another wild scream from her.
She couldn’t form the words she needed. There was nothing in her brain but the blinding pleasure. He was right, though. She was holding back, afraid to fall.
“I’m scared,” she panted.
Stone stretched out on his side beside her. He pressed a tender kiss to her shoulder, then the hollow of her neck. Rock continued to pump into her fast and hard. Her mind was cloudy and she knew she was hanging onto everything by a simple string.
Stone’s lips rested against her ear, his hot breath fanning out over her cheek. “We will catch you,” he whispered.
She turned and looked at him. “Promise?”