“Oh.” His eyes lit up. “That’s a good idea.”

He pulled it back and sat it on his lap, his fingers tapping at the screen a few times to bring up a menu filled with different overlays and backgrounds. She watched him work for a while, loving how creativity seemed to flow through his fingers.

Before their eyes, the flier came to life—complete with a moving background image as well as text that was eye-catching and interesting to look at that would definitely snag the attention of anyone who walked by it.

“Where are you going to put this?”

Grux leaned back into the couch, toggling off the screen and letting it go dark.

“I was thinking of having it at bus stops and park benches. Places where I know there’ll be a lot of foot traffic from people who may need our services.”

She nodded, tucking herself into his side.

“That’s a good idea. You know, you could also advertise on those media boards that we walk by on the way to the grocery store. Most people walk that strip during their daily commutes to and from work.”

Grux smiled at her, tossing the tablet to the other side of the couch, and grabbed her to pull her into his lap. “Have I ever told you how smart you are?”

“Hmm, maybe once or twice.”

His hands moved up her back, one of them curling around the back of her head to tug her down into a kiss. “How about a third?”

Scarlett ran her hands through his dark hair, feeling the silky lengths flow between her fingers. She tilted her head and kissed him deeply, a small groan leaving his lips as she did so.

He turned them on the couch, repositioning them so she wasn’t in danger of falling off if she decided to lean back suddenly. Scarlett’s hips sat on his, straddling him while her hands pushed him further into the couch cushions.

This was the perfect opportunity for them to finally get some alone time.

Ever since coming back from their honeymoon, they’d been so caught up in the new parent life that they’d started to neglect each other in the romance department. Not to mention the fact that they’d been busy moving into their new place on top of it all.

Scarlett was happy that her life was finally starting to settle down, though. It felt like a millennium since she’d been comfortable.

She and Grux had fallen into a routine where they didn’t constantly feel the need to watch over their shoulders or feel like they needed to be walking on eggshells while under the king’s thumb.

Now that they were finally out on their own, they were really starting to thrive.

“I missed you,” she mumbled against his lips, her hand finding its way up his shirt.

He sat up, letting her strip it off of him before lying back down again. “I missed you. Sorry, I’ve been running back and forth so much between PAPS and Lorr.”

She hushed him with her lips on his. She didn’t want to talk about his work right now. All she really cared about was feeling his body on hers.

Getting the silent message, Grux wrapped his arm around her waist and flipped them. Scarlett smiled up at him and ran her hands over his pecs and down his arms. The hard muscles underneath flexed under her fingers.

He grabbed a hold of her swing dress, pushing it up to her ribs to trail his lips from her stomach down to her hip bone.

Scarlett bit her lip, flexing her legs open for him so he could settle his body against hers.

Just then, his comms let out a blaring sound, startling both of them.

“Damn it,” he mumbled, sitting up.

As he climbed off of the couch, Gruxor started to cry in the other room. Most likely from the comms going off. “Sorry,” he said, frowning when he grabbed the device off of the kitchen counter.

She shook her head, standing and pulling her dress down. “It’s okay. Let me settle him real quick.”

Grux pulled her into a soft kiss as she passed him, making her smile. “Hurry back.”

As Scarlett went to settle the baby back down for his nap, Grux tapped on the interface for his comms messaging. It flashed obnoxiously, a red alert that he wasn’t familiar with catching his attention first.