Once he shut the door, he felt the giddiness of finally getting something he wanted taking over.

He couldn’t wait to tell Scarlett.

* * *

It took a little under a week to finalize their plans to move as well as secure an airship large enough to transport everything they needed for their new place.

The day after the king had given them their blessing, Scarlett and Grux had left Gruxor with Cardil, his nursemaid, and headed to Rosoha.

As luck would have it, the place they’d originally looked at had been long since sold off to another happy couple with their own children running around the front yard as they pulled up to it.

He could tell Scarlett was disappointed at the SOLD sign in front of the house and quickly got to contacting the realtor who was representing this area.

To their surprise, another house only a few minutes outside of the city in a secluded part of the countryside was even more perfect than the one they’d looked at previously.

Grux had laughed when Scarlett’s eyes went wide looking at the price of it, and even more so when he slapped down a wad of credits as the realtor sent him the files to sign off on the transaction.

When he’d handed her a keycard loaded to unlock the house, she’d cried, and that’s when he knew that he’d made the right decision.


AfterlayingGruxordownfor his afternoon nap, Scarlett headed back into the living room, where she spotted Grux still in the exact same spot on the couch where she’d left him only half an hour earlier.

She laughed to herself and wondered if he was still agonizing over the font layout for the advertisement he was going to have posted all over Noxxa to advertise PAPS’s services or if he’d moved on to something different.

Though, the crease between his brows suggested it was definitely the former.

She sat next to him and leaned against his shoulder to look at the tablet clutched in his hands. On the screen was the same layout he’d been working on slowly over the past few days.

He’d first come up with the concept after visiting Trigg a few days ago to check up on how PAPS was running and noticed that since he and Kozien had stepped away, business had slowed.

Scarlett had tried to reassure him that business would pick up eventually and people would always be wandering around with problems needing to be solved.

Grux was understandably still worried.

Ever since Kozien had left Rosoha to live out in the tropics, Grux had shouldered the responsibility his brother had left behind, even though Trigg was more than capable of helping him with the burden.

Her husband was a stubborn man and prided himself on his workload. So, she knew that suggesting for him to let Trigg take over the business altogether would most likely send him right over the deep end.

So instead, she compromised and suggested a flier for new business visibility.

“Still working?”

“I can’t tell if this is too wordy or if it’s not wordy enough…”

She tilted the tablet to her eye level so she could read the screen more clearly. Her eyes scanned over the ad, taking in the information that was listed as well as the short description of what kind of services PAPS had to offer.

“I think it looks good, love. No need to change anything.”

“But do you think it makes sense?”

She smiled, rubbing his shoulder. Such a worrier. “If I were someone on the street and I read that on one of the ad boards, I would be able to understand it perfectly.”

Grux held the tablet away from his face, squinting at the screen.

“Is it eye-catching?”

“Hmmm.” Scarlett tilted her head. “Maybe it needs a little more color. Or it could have a moving graphic behind it.”