When he clicked on the notification, he felt his heart lurch.


Grux immediately brought the device over to his tablet and linked them together. It seemed to be coming from one of his contacts. Bringing up the main screen, he tapped on the notification.

He noticed right away that listed next to his own name was Kozien’s as well.


Grux had left his younger brother in charge of PAPS while he and Kozien had taken a step back temporarily to focus on their new budding families. Now that they were both newly married with babies, it was difficult to concentrate on anything else outside of that.

Both of the brothers wanted to be good mates to their wives, and that meant some sacrifices with the business had to be made.

Of course, neither of them were giving up on PAPS altogether and letting Trigg take over the place full time—that would’ve been insane for them to do to their own flesh and blood—but instead, they’d told Trigg that for now, they’d be helping from the sidelines.

Not to mention the fact that Kozien now lived halfway across Noxxa in the tropics, which made it hard to have any sort of “family meeting” in person when it came to what needed to be done with PAPS.

But Trigg, always a good sport about things, had been fine with the change and rotations in positions. His younger brother liked to work alone anyways, so the time he had without both of his brothers breathing down his neck was probably something he was looking forward to.

But now, with this SOS, Grux was worried.

Bringing up the map that was attached to the SOS signal, he shook his head at where the signal had been pinging from. He didn’t recognize where the location pin was on the map, nor did he recognize the town that was labeled nearby.

What the hell kind of trouble had his brother gotten himself into this time?

He tried to think back to any of the recent jobs Trigg had been rambling on about while he had last gone over there to check on him. However, nothing that brought Trigg anywhere close to being out of the city was coming to mind.

He could’ve gotten recently assigned to it, but then what the hell could’ve gone down within the past two days that he’d needed to send out an SOS?

Trigg wasn’t one to needlessly use those kinds of services. Even if he was the baby of their family, he was far more independent than people gave him credit for. It was sometimes even a little surprising to witness firsthand.

Just then, a message was delivered.

Quickly, Grux opened it.

His eyes scanned over the small text as it read, “Kozien + Grux: Urgent.”

“Oh, Trigg,” he mumbled. “What have you done now?”