Page 11 of Wishful Scheming

Flipping her over, he ran his fingers over the lacy Wednesday emblem on her pale pink silky undies. Sliding them down her legs, he moved his head down and inhaled her scent. He licked her gently, tasting the salt of Davey’s recent visit. Anger filled him.

“You are mine Tilly, and if I can’t have you, no one can.” She moaned, her eyesopening as she tried to regain focus. Her smooth young skin smudged with tears, a rough raised mark bloomed like a foreign flower on her cheek.

Gazing into her eyes, now wide with terror, he grinned at her and licked the wet trail that ran from her eye. He shoved her legs apart and unbuttoned his Husky jeans, then withdrew his throbbing cock. She moaned softly, and he smiled.

Wrapping his hands around her neck, he squeezed as he filled her juicy crevice with his small thick cock. As her life slipped away, Richard pounded again and again into her wet core, finishing with a sad smile, disappointed at the lack of muscular response from her lifeless body. As he losthis load into her now still form, he knew he wanted more, but time was no longer on his side. He heard voices coming from the orchard.

“Stupid bitch, why d’you have to fuck Davey? Wasn’t I good enough for you? I know you were hot for it, so why d’you have to do it?” He stood, brushed the dirt and debris off of his knees. Walking away without a backward glance, he whistled Mack the Knife into the silent air.


Chapter Seven

Red-headed Girls

Lacey finished her shopping and swung into the parking lot of the Lug. Several cars filled the lot, and a police car stood at the entrance. She moved around the side of the building and saw two officers speaking to Angel. He glanced up when he saw Lacey and gave a quick wave. The officers took a small paper bag from him and nodded to her as they moved past her.

“What the heck is going on Ang? Why are the police here? Did something happen?” Angel sat down on the stool and sighed. His eyes were bloodshot, and he stifled a yawn.

“Yesterday,a customer left with another tourist. She wasn’t feeling well when she left and he was escorting her back to The Paradise complex. When Bree was cleaning the table, she noticed the woman’s cup had a powdery residue in it, so we put it in the fridge. I kind of forgot about it until I saw the news this morning.” He stopped and chugged down the rest of his beer.

“She’s the one they found dead. When they showed her pic this morning, it rang the old bells.” Lacey stared at him, her mouth gaping wide.

“Didn’t you see it? She’s the one they found beaten and raped. It was her, Lace, and he’s the one who did it. Something wasn’trightwith that guy. The cops took the cup and they’ll run it for whatever was in it. Christ, if that gets out, it’s gonna kill my business. I know we didn’t do it, but still.” Lacey put her arms around him and held him tight.

“No one deserves to die like that. I don’t know what the hell ishappening. First you being shot, Belle being attacked twice, now this poor girl. The violence is escalating, and it’s not good.” Lacey pulled away and sat down beside him. She watched as Bree stood talking to a couple at a table and she nodded when the girl looked her way.

“Do they knowwhothe guyis? You gave them a description, right?” Angel shook his head yes and stood.

“I told them everything he had told me, but I bet you any money it was a boatload of lies. There was just something off withhim. I hope they catch the bastard, though. Idon’t needthat kind ofshit around here.” Lacey nodded and waved goodbye as Bree walked up to the bar.

“Where’s she going? You told her what happened, right? It’s a shame she’s getting married, I had always had a hope for a threesome. You, me, and blondie, there, now that would have been boilinghot sex.” Angel kissed her and grinned.

“Don’t worry sweet cheeks, there’s other fish in the sea. Ifred headisasign of your style.She keeps checking out your ass every time you walk away. Now your sexy ass is cute, butshe likes it in the way you would like her to want it. Go get friendly and see what develops.”

Bree swung around and glanced at the table where the three young girls were sharing a pitcher of margaritas. The redhead was cute. Her face held a myriad of freckles, andshehad pulled her hair back in a tight ponytail. Her green eyes sparkled when she glanced up and noticed Bree watching her. She gave a single nod, then turned back to her friends and began talking. The one blonde turned and glanced over at Bree, then turned and nodded as she spoke to red. Red-head giggled and slipped out of her seat and approached Bree. Thetwo girls watchedwhile trying toactnonchalant. They turned back around when red glanced backandspoketo them. Her long legs carried her forward and Bree resumed wiping the ketchup bottle she was holding.

“Hey, I hate to bother you but we’re down on holiday and getting bored. What dofolks do for fun?” Her emerald eyes gazed into Brees, who set the ketchup bottle down, never taking her eyes off of the girl before her.

“Well, I work here a lot, so I’m not sure. There’s a few bars on the other side of the island, but most people come and hang out at the beach for the most part. Did you have something specific in mind? They may rent bikes down in town, and the scenery is pretty all over, and then you can charter a boat and go snorkeling, that’s big.” The girl looked at her, her eyes trailing down to the gap in Bree’s damp T. Bree could smell the scent of an exotic perfume, and she inhaled deeply and smiled. Her nipples grew taut and she met the girls gaze. Red stared at her and glanced back to her posse.

“We were looking to score a little weed, actually. I thought that maybe there’d be bonfires on the beach somewhere, you know, a little dancing, a little… Well, mingling with the younger crowd, that kind of thing. I’m down here with my sister, that’s Emma, the bottle blond. Our other cohort is Emma’s roommate from college, Jasmine. I’m Portia” She held out her hand and Bree shook it gently.

“It’s great to meet you Portia, I’m Bree. We’ve got a band playing in a few hours. If you plan on sticking around or heading back after you all do your thing, I’m sure I can shake up a little smoke for you. Just let me know how much you need and I’ll get you the price.” Portia pulled out her phone and touched the button, then handed it to her.

“Put in your cell number. I’ll call you when we’re heading down. We have to get back to The Flamingo for a dinner shindig, but that sounds good.” She turned to head back to her table, then walked back.

“What kind of music does the band play?” Bree laughed and glanced over at Angel who was watching the exchange with interest.

“Well, mostly 70’s disco tunes, and they start at nine. There will be a lot of dancing, and I expect a mostly older crowd, but it can be a lot of fun. Call me or text, I’ll be happy to get you your stuff, and to see you again.” Portia gazed at Bree’s mouth as she spoke and she leaned forward, whispering in her ear.

“If those two don’t want to come, I’ll be here regardless, I’d like to get to know you better, Bree. I’m looking forward to… More.” Bree turned her head and inhaled the scent of Portia’s hair. The thick red mass was curly and thick, the scent of coconut shampoo hung sweet and tickled her nose. She watched as Portia walked back to the table. Her hips swaying slightly, her tall willowy frame moving with an elegant grace. Bree gazed at her tight white mini-skirt and felt herself grow damp. Turning, she caught Angels eye and smiled.

“You’re right, I think she’s definitely interested, at least in me, not so sure she’d get into a three-way, though. I’ve got to make a call and get her and her sister some weed. Do you know if Jersey is still around these days? He always had some good shit, but I haven’t seen him in a while.” Angel smiled and patted his pant pocket.

“Just saw him last night, as a matter of fact. Yeah, he’s still got the good stuff. How much you need? I can call him if you want.” Bree shook her head and jumped when her cell phone buzzed in her pocket. She lifted it and read the message from Portia.

“We’ll take an ounce or two if you can, you’re beautiful, BTW. Talk soon, P” She glanced up and saw Portia wink at her. Grinning, she sent her a heart emoji and nodded. Angel glanced down and read the message before she could turn it off.