Page 10 of Wishful Scheming

“I’ve been here for ten years now, my husband Joel owns the place. He leaves me in charge as he detests the shop. He’s more of a financials kind of guy. Are you shopping for a gift for someone today?” Lacey shook her head.

“I’m getting married in a few days and needed a gift for my matron of honor. I think she’d love this. I mean, I know she’ll love this.”

Tona smiled and took the necklace, tucked it into a box and tied it with a pale pink ribbon.

“Gifts fortheothers in the wedding party? We do laser engraving on flasks for men, cuff-links. Look around the place. I’m sure you can find something here for everyone.” Lacey shook her head.

“We’ve got everyone else covered, I just needed this one last thing, and a gift for my son, but he’s too young for jewelry.” Tona glanced down at herprotruding belly.

“So, it’sa boy? Congratulations! When are you due?” Lacey burst out laughing and shook her head.

“I have a ten-year-old son, and now this one here,” she said patting her belly.

“We are hoping for a girl, but we don’t know yet. The sonograms aren’t showing good enough angles, so maybe with the next one we’ll find out.”

Tona nodded and rang up the necklace, disappointed she couldn’tsell more of their wares. Lacey handed her two one-hundred-dollar bills for the necklace, gathered her change, and waved goodbye to Tona. The woman was shy in school and Lacey barely recalled her, but she remembered her as being kind. She clutched the bag in her hand and walked down the sidewalk to the next establishment.

The ancient toy store was empty. An elderly woman sat at the counter, eating a large sandwich and watching the news. Lacey stopped mid-step as the newscaster reported on the young woman whowas found strangled and assaulted. He then mentioned the possibility of an overdose. A picture of the victim filled the screen and Lacey felt her stomach drop. Crimewas non-existenton the island. KnowingWillie had died froman overdoseand now this poor girl’s deathmade her heart ache. The womanshook her head.

“Kids these days. Wasn’t drug over-dose nonsensewhen I was young.Damn tourists and riff-raff. Hey, what can I get you today? Shopping for the one on the way?” Lacey shook her head no.

“I need to get my boy something. He’s deaf, so I need nothing that makes a noise. I’ll look, and if I need help, I’ll call, okay?” Lacey moved down the aisles thinking ofthe dead woman as the shop worker went back to watching the news. Moving to sports equipment, she settled on a football while fretting atwrapping the odd-shaped item. In the aisle heading to pay, she found a small pastel stuffed unicorn, and she giggled, snatched the thing up and set both down on the counter. The woman wrung up her purchases in between glancing at the tv. Lacey paid, grabbed her bag, and headed back out into the sun. Her legs ached, and she longed to lie down and take a nap. The baby was moving and kicking her. She stopped and rubbed her belly, feeling themovement.


Dick tossed and turned, the gold necklace wrapped tight around his hand. The memento of Lissa glinted as the sunlight streamed through the slats of the window. He opened his eyes and smiled. Holding the chain higher, the cross twirled in the barely-there breeze that filtered through the shades. His dick was throbbing; The lust-fueled dream still fresh in his mind.

Lissa had whimpered, then begged him to stop as he filled her mouth with his seed, her eyes wet with tears as he wrapped his hands around her throat. She had touched her cross and prayed as her eyes rolled back in her head and Dick had laughed. No witnesses left behind, he had flipped her over and impaled her one last time. She was a fighter, but not strong enough to counter his strength and resolve to complete his deed. He left her there in the sandy dirt and plucked her necklace from her unmoving hand, then walked away without a backward glance. He grimaced at the memory of the event. She was good, but she wasn’t Belle. Time was running out, and his frenzy of hate and anger escalated with every passing day. Exhaling, he gripped his thick meaty rod in his hand and pictured Belle’s face.

“Baby girl, you will choke on this. Mr.Pretty is waiting for you and you’re going to beg me for more. Oh, baby, that’s the ticket, to sweet paradise and beyond.”

Berta slipped through his thoughts, and he felt the tears fall. Mama had always taken good care of her boy, but Mama hadn’t come home, and he knew Belle must have had something to do with her disappearance. He missed her, and his hand squeezed tighter as the wave of revenge washed over him. Pulling his meat, he worked his fist faster as he thrust his hips up and off of the bed. His juices squirted out across his hand as he moaned, calling Berta’s name.

“You’ve been a bad boy Richard. You know what happens to bad boys. Come here. Let’s play the ice-cream game. Mama’s been naughty and you’re a good boy, come to me. Look, it’s your favorite, chocolate, take a taste, lick Mama’s ice-cream cone.” Shespread her legs wide, a damp spot on the dirty plaid couch puddled where her musty slit met the material. Richard was growing tired of the game.

At twelve, he had played the game with Tilly and found it more to his taste. Tilly was fourteen, and the boys liked her, but she had eyes for Richard, and let him know each time he walked past her trailer. Her Mother was working late, and she invited him in to her bedroom. Her pink gingham dress rode high on her hips as Richard explored her whip-thin body on her small twin bed. Tilly was nice to him, she never yelled at him or hit him as his Mama did. He enjoyed squirting into her, feeling her tight hole grasp him as she moaned and thrust her hips forward. She smelled like green apples, not musty and dirty like his Mama. He lay on his bed and smiled.

Sweet Tilly had lost interest in him after a few weeks and had told him to buzz off two days ago. Davey Wilkins was her new sweetheart, and she hung on his arm like a toy, smiling and batting her eyelashes. Davey bought her things, sweet perfume and candy. With no access to cash, Richard felt angry at not being able to spoil his girl. Embarrassed by his poorness, Richard was determined to have her at any cost.

It was a warm summer day when he caught her in the orchard at the end of the dirt road. She was heading back from the creek. Davey had ridden away on his shiny new bike, and Tilly was heading home. Seeing Richard, she stopped.

“Tilly, did you see the dead deer in the woods? I found it yesterday, it’s wickedcool. It’s got horns, at least an eight-point buck. Want to see it?” Tilly looked at him and shook her head.

“How far away is it? I got to get home soon, Ma says I got to make dinner tonight.” Richard smiled and pointed towards the edge of the grove where the woods grew thick.

“It’s right over there, it’ll only take two minutes. Besides, it is super cool, you’ve got to see it before it gets too rotten.” Tilly shrugged her shoulders and followed along as Richard stalked by her. He moved fast as she chattered about the latest episode of “I Love Lucy.”

Not saying a wordto her, he felt himself grow hard as he imagined what he would do to her when he got her in the woods. Walking a few feet into the thick brush, he stopped and turned. Tilly looked at the surrounding area. Seeing no dead deer, shelooked at Richard. Confusion filled her face, and her eyebrows raised.

“Well, dummy, where is it? I don’t see any stinking dead deer. You are a big fat liar.” Richard bent down and picked up the large stick at his feet. Tilly watchedthe look pass across his face. The niggling of fear rose up.

“Where’s the deer, Richard? I bet you want to fuck me again. I’ll let you. I promise, so why don’t you come over tomorrow. I’ve got to go make dinner.” She twisted her hands together and stared at the stick in his hand, then at his face.

“What’s wrong with you, Richard?” Her mind grasped his intent, and she inhaled, fear gripping her as she watched his eyes change to a dark brooding evil glare. Turning to run, he swung the chunk of wood. The heavy timber smashed into her head, sending bits of bark and blood splatter flying. He glanced down at the speck on his arm, wiped it with a finger, and licked it.

“And he scores a home run… Atta boy, Richard,” he said, as he watched his love crumple to the ground. Tilly stumbled forward and lay on the heap of dead leaves, unmoving. Blood ran out of the large gash in her skull and Richard smiled. He was throbbing, and the excitement at seeing the fear in her eyes only increased his want. He pushed up her dress and gazed at the large wet spot on her panties.

“Ah, you and Davey… Doing the nasty. Poor Tilly. Don’t you know that you’re my girl. You can’t be giving it away to Davey for free, that snatch is mine.”