Page 12 of Wishful Scheming

“Yeah, she’s pretty hot. I don’t normally go for red-heads, they can be feisty bitches, but if she’s game, I’m in for the party.” He stood up and tweaked Bree’s ass, then walked into the kitchen. Bree watched the three girls get up and move towards the parking lot. She took one last glance at Portia and sighed. The dishes were stacked, and a twenty dollar tip was left beside the bill and payment. Bree tucked it into her pocket and cleared the dishes away, checked her watch and realized she still had four hours before she’d see the red-haired beauty again. Impatience filled her and she stalked to the kitchen to take care of business. Angel was doing the dishes, and he turned as Bree brushed by him and stacked the plates and silverware in the bus pan. He raised his eyebrows as he saw the grimace on her face. Wiping his soapy hands on the towel, he turned and smiled.

“What’s wrong, honey, I thought you’d be happy. Maybe get a new play toy to amuse yourself with, why so glum?” Bree ran her hands through her hair and sighed.

“How the hell am I supposed to get to know her if I’m busting my ass all night? If it’s jammed, I won’t get a minute to breathe, let alone time to talk to her. It just sucks, I’m grumpy, I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I’ve met anyone interested in me, besides you. She’s cute as a button, and sexy as fuck. Never any girlswhowantgirls on this tiny island.” Angel smiled and rubbed her shoulders, working the tension out as she vented.

“I’m sorry for being an asshole, I know. I appreciate you hiring me and don’t mean to be a douchebag. Guess I’m excited to meet someone and pissed that I don’t have the time to, you know… That and now I’m horny.” Angel slipped his fingers down low and tucked them up under her skirt.

“Well, geez, I can take care of that, just say the word, you know I’m always a willing recipient of give and take. Slip those off of your sexy body. LetAngeltake care of thatitchfor you?” His hand moved up, and he pinched at her nipple, watching her as she opened her mouth and exhaled.

“Jesus, Angel, you know I won’t be thinking of you, though, isn’t that unfair?” She watched as he unbuttoned her miniskirt and let it fall to the floor. Hooking his finger into the band, he tugged her panties downward. He picked her up and lay her on the counter. She smiled at him and shook her head. Bree flipped over and lay face down on the counter and spread her legs, smiling as she heard Angel grunt his approval behind her. He unzipped his short and gripped his cock in his hand. His free hand moved up her inner thigh, and he spread her lips apart, as his fingers moved over her clit, he massaged her nub and rubbed himself. Bree, unsatisfied,slid toward him. She inserted two fingers into herself and slid them in and out. Angel juiced up his fingers and slipped one in the remaining crevice. Bree moaned and withdrew her fingers and Angel slipped his thick cock into her while his thumb slid in and out of her other hole. Her breasts were sliding back and forth on the cool stainless steel and she watched as a couple entered the restaurant. They walked across the dance floor towards the beach, the manpointed to something in the distance. A cruise ship was out on the horizon and Bree felt herself release as the couple pulled out two chairs and sat.

“Angel, we’ve got customers, you’d better finish.If they look this way, they will get a full frontal shot of my tits.” Angel slid out of her. Breemoved off the counter and out of view of thecustomers beyond.

“Jesus, that was close. Thanks for the short ride, friend. Here, let me get cleaned up so I canearnmoney. I don’t see how you can run a business this way. They mustwonder if anyone works here.”

“Hello in there?” a man’s voice drifted through the kitchen door and Angel giggled.

“I’m coming, hold on a sec. Just finishing up. I’ll be right with you.” Angel massaged his cock and grabbed a paper towel as his juices squirted out, the thick white trail dripping through his thick leg hair. He shook his head.

“I would have preferred it somewhere else, but beggars can’t be choosers.” Bree finished washing up in the sink, threw her panties and skirt back on, and then went out to greet the customers. Angel sighed and cleaned himself up, hoping that the redhead would be game for some games. Bree was good, but he was getting bored. He moved through the doors and watched as she took down their order. She returned a minute later, grabbed two beers out of the cooler and handed Angel the slip of paper.

“Two thick slices of meat, I mean burgers, Ang. One order of frenchfries, one onion rings, and thanks again. I appreciate your help in taking care of things.” Angel smiled, grabbed the slip of paper and walked into the kitchen without saying a word, his mind escaping to the next fresh meat for the evening.


Chapter Eight

Groaning And Googling

Stella flicked her computer on and settled into her recliner. Her mind in a whir, thoughts of the tales that Berta had recalled her with, rose in a frenzy. She shook her head, still trying to come to grips with the fact the woman tried to kill Belle and kidnapped Philippe. She set the laptop aside and smiled. The upcoming wedding was a bright spot in a crappy week, and she was excited to see her baby happy.

“Willie, if you can hear me, I hope you’ll keep us safe on Lacey’s big day. I miss you, I do.” A knock on the door startled her. Opening it to find Lacey standing there, she looked upset and Stella stepped aside to let her enter.

“Christ, what’s wrong baby girl? Everything’s okay with you and Horst, right? Is Philippe okay?” Stella watched as the girl paced around the room, her form jittery.

“I just got back from the Lug. The dead woman they found had been there.Angelthinks aguy slipped something in her drink. He’s upset, thinking it willreflect badon the Lug, but what worries me more is that there’s a killer out there. Maybe it’s just the wedding, I’m nervous, scared, and I hope everything goes off smooth. The baby is moving oftentoo, so I’m sure the stress isn’t helping me any.” Stella walked over and patted her stomach.

“Little girl will be fine, you will all be fine. We don’t mingle with the tourists, so just let the cops handleit, okay?” Lacey nodded, then glanced over and spotted the laptop.

“Got a new tale brewing? I’m ready for another racy read, you’rebehind schedule. What’s this new one about?” Stella moved the laptop to her desk and giggled.

“I thought ofwriting my memoir, not that it’s a great read, but with reconnecting with you and rising above what happened to me, maybe there’s a market there. Who knows, I’ve got to let it flow, that’s when the words roll best.” Stella walked to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. Lacey raised her eyebrows and glanced at the clock. It was six o’clock.

“Starting a little early, aren’t we? I thought happy hour started at seven?” Stella took a sip and shook her head.

“I haven’t been sleeping well, I don’t know why, but I’ve been carrying an uneasiness around for a week. Now don’t worry, it’s nothing to do with you or the wedding, that’s my bright spot. This is just a creeping feeling that I’m missing something. It wakes me up at nights in a cold sweat. I can’t put my finger on it. I’m sure it will pass, don’t you worry about me.” She smiled at Lacey who moved towards the door.

“I’ve got to get going, Philippe will wonder where I got off to, you’re going to join us, right?” Stella shook her head no.

“Nah, thanks though. Think I’ll hang here and drink wine, maybe get some words hashed out. Girl,I love you, I hope you know that.” Lacey kissed her on the cheek and gave her a quick hug.

“Yes,I do too. Take care and see you. We’ve got the rehearsal thing at Belle’s and then dinner. I’m excited, but I’ll be happy when life resumes its normalcy. I hope you change your mind. Catch ya.”

Stella closed the door and locked the bolt. Something she didn’t do often, but it gave her peace of mind. She poured another glass, brought it, and the bottle in, and set them on the table. Opening the laptop, her fingers began their tapping, spilling the story she had never penned, the attack that lingered daily in her mind.

Stella stopped typing and stretched, her arms reaching for the ceiling, the tears fresh on her cheeks. She re-read the last passage written and took a sip of wine. The glow of the computer filled the room with its eerie light, and she glanced around the room. Two hours had passed, and her mind raced with questions. Hisvoice played on aperpetual loopin her mind. The oddtimbre and menace made her skin crawl, and Fred kept cropping up in her thoughts. She had seen little of him, but the days had been a whirl of wedding planning and preparation. She glanced out the window and saw the glow of a cigarette alongside the blue house. The hair rose on her neck and she turned away, feeling as if he were out there watching. Flicking the light off, she shut her computer down and crept back to the window. The glow of the cigarette was gone, and she peered around the compound searching for signs of movement.

“Girl, you’ve got to get a grip. There’sno bogey man waiting for you. Silly thoughtson overdrive. High time to get out,seemy favorite faces.” She grabbed her sweater and purse. Walking by the bedside table, she pulled the drawer open and pulled out the small canister of pepper spray. Sliding her glasses up her nose, she read the end date on the small can. The shelf life had reached its peak. Shrugging her shoulders, she snapped the hook onto her purse strap and headed out. She turned a light on in the living room, then locked the doors behind her.