Page 13 of Wishful Scheming

The lights were on at Belle's. Libby, the local woman who would officiatethe wedding ceremony’s Toyota joined the other cars in the driveway. Stella pushed the button, and a few seconds later the gate slid open. She glanced back and slipped through, the gate slid closed behind her. Belle opened the door, a glass of bubbling champagne in her hand. Hugging Stella, she handed her the flute and grinned.

“It worried me you would not make it. Come on, we’re playing pass the lamp and setting our wishes for positive magic. You look tired, is everything all right?” Stella smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

“Don’t you look stunning. Yeah, I’mweary. I’ve been working on a new tale. Mine, as a matter of fact,and it is heavy, yet cathartic to write itout. I doubt it will be a best seller, no one wants to read that kind of stuff. Butcan’t change history, right?” Belle took her by the arm and steered her in to where the group sat in the dining room. Horst and Lacey were holding the lamp and whispering into the spout. His loud laugh filled the room, and Lacey blushed. Stella took a seat. Platters of food dotted the lace-covered table, and bottles of wine and champagne sat off to the side. Philippe was showing Libby something on his iPad, and the woman nodded and typed something. Stella glanced over to see what he had written on the iPad and realized they were playing a game of hangman.

“You ready to tie the knot? I doubt I’ll get any sleep tonight, and I’m so excited for you both.” Stella smiled and Lacey grabbed Horst’s hand. He kissed it and nodded.

“I can’t wait to make an honest woman out of her, and I’m just glad the baby is settling downa bit. She’s been kicking up a storm, and Lace, here, hasn’t been getting much sleep. I realize once baby girl appears, no one will get much sleep. I’m almost jealous of Philippe, he’ll be the only one who will make it through the night undisturbed.” Stella smiled and nodded, then laughed as Philippe jumped out of his seat and raised his hands in the air in triumph.

“He won, again!We shall crown you master of hangman.” Libby giggled and handed the boy his iPad back. Philippe took a bow and gave her a high-five.

The party broke up an hour later and Horst gathered Philippe up as Lacey and Stella lingered by the door. Horst pulled her close and kissed her goodnight.

“Sweetness,I hate being separated from you, but you know what they say, it’s terribleluck to see a bride on her wedding day. I’m not tempting fate, so take care of Philippe and I will see you both tomorrow. Just know,I miss you already.” She kissed him on the cheek,then watched as they got into the sedan and drove away. Stella watched her and smiled as she saw the tear slip down her face.

“Baby girl, no more tears. Let’s go to my place. We canhave a glass of wine and talk before bed. Sound like a plan to you?” Lacey nodded and followed Stella through the gate. The road was empty, and the wind blew the palm fronds, their wispy scratching noise, the only sound on the air. Stella shivered and Lacey glanced at her, her eyebrows raised.

“Are you sure you’re not coming down with something? You’re shivering.It’s got to be eighty degrees out here. Are you chilled?” Stella held her arm up to stop Lacey in her tracks. She held her finger to her lips and listened. Lacey watched her and felt her skin tingle. Something spookedStella.She listened closer for any strange noises. A twig snapped and Stella grabbed her by the arm and stepped in front of her.

“Shh… Follow me, be quiet… Don’t say a word.” Stella walked in front of Lacey and edged herself closer to the bushes that ran alongside the driveway. The can of pepper spray in her hand, she held it up and walked towards her house. A cat screamed and darted out in front of the women. They both jumped. Lacey watched as the cat scooted its way beneath Belle’s gate.

“Holy Shit! Stella, what’s with the mace? You had me freaked out for a minute. I see your house from here and there’s only you and me. What’s on your mind? You’re as jumpy as a… I don’t know, a cat, perhaps?” Stella let out the breath she had been holding and smiled.

“I’m sorry, sugar bee, it’s been rough on me since Willie’s been gone and I guess my mind has been playing tricks on me. I’ve been writing my memoir and rehashing the… Rape. Maybe it’s just stirring up the old ghosts for me and bringing it too close to home. I don’t know. I’ve been feeling uneasy fora while now. I didn’t mean to get you caught up in my drama. Come, let’s getaglass of wine and unwind. I needa glass rightnow.”

Stella and Lacey walked towards the house, the living room light within looking inviting. Stella unlocked the door and glanced over her shoulder towards the blue house. The glowing cigarette or smell was nowhere to be seen, and she exhaled as she pushed the door open. Lacey walked into the kitchen and watched as Stella poured out a glass of wine for herself and a glass of lemonade for Lacey. Retiring to the back deck, Stella reached over and grabbed her daughters hand.

“Thank you for not making fun of me or of thinking I’m an escapee of the psycho ward.” Lacey stayed silent and listened as Stella told her about Fred.

“Something aboutthe man creeps me out. I’ve seen him out there standing alongside the bungalow smoking those nasty cigarettes every night since he arrived. Really,I should be happy that he isn’t smoking in the place, but he buries the butts in the garden, as if I don’t notice. I tend to those gardens and he’s a jerk. Since Willie passed, I’ve been having nightmares every night about the attack. I’ll be glad when he’s gone. He asked to extend his stay, but I lied to him and told him that someone else was coming in, so he’d have to make other arrangements. It’s always a crap shoot when you rent to someone, but I’ve never had an issue until now.” Lacey yawned and watched the half moon rising in the distance. She missed Horst and Philippe, but was content to be a sounding board for Stella. They sat in silence after Stella finished venting, and Lacey stood up and stretched.

“I’ve got a big day tomorrow, and if I don’t get some shut-eye, Iwill look like a bag of shit. Mom,I’d love to stay up with you, but I hope you understand.” Stella stood up and wrapped her arms around Lacey.

“Mom, oh that sounds beautiful to my ears. Daughter,I’m looking forward to your big day and a new son-in-law to boot. Girl, you’re the best thing I’ve ever created in this crazy world, and I hope you know how much I love you. I’m proud of you and please, don’t concern yourself with me. I set the guest roomup foryou. ThinkIwill sit here and stew a while longer. Go to sleep and I’ll wake you bright and early, okay?” Lacey nodded and stifled a yawn, picked up her glass, and headed to bed. Stella watched her walk away and then sat back down on the cushioned chair.

The breeze blew her hair, and she released it from its clips, allowing it to flow down her back. She closed her eyes and meditated on the day’s events. Fred’s words filtered through her mind and she shook as she breathed in the air. The stench of cheap cigarette smoke filtered through to her and she bolted upright and walked inside, locked the doors and turned out the lights. Peering through the blinds, she looked towards Fred’s bungalow but saw no sign of him or his cancer stick. She moved to the back deckand scanned out through the blinds that covered the doors. The orange glow of a cigarette was down on the beach and in the meager moonlight, she saw him as he stared up at Belle’s home. Hetossed the ember down, and kicked sand over the butt, extinguishing it.

Stella’s breath caught in her throat as he turned towards her house and she backed away from the window.

“I’m a prisoner in my home. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. I’ll be glad when you’re gone, Fred Kravitz. Something is just plain wrongwith you.” She grabbed her laptop and slipped into her bedroom. The dark shades blocked her bedside light, and she opened the computer and waited for it to come to life. The eerie glow filled the room, and she typed his name into the search engine and waited.


Chapter Nine

Jealous Guys Growing Old

Angel wiped down the last table and smiled as Bree came walking up from the beach. Cindy was in the kitchen, his latest temp brought in to help now elbow deep in soap suds. Bree’s eyes were bloodshot, and he dropped the rag and waited. Her sniffling caught him off guard, as he realized she wasn’t stoned, but had been crying.

“What the hell happened, hun? I thought you were meeting little Miss. Redhead and company down on the beach? Did she stand you up or something?” Bree rushed into his arms and the tears fell in force.

“She’s a nasty bitch, and if she ever steps foot in here again, I swear to god, I’ll poison that cunt.” Angel held her away and stared at her. The tirade was unlike her, and he kissed her on top of her head and pulled her close again.

“What areyou riled up about, sweetie? Did red say no?” Bree shook her head back and forth, pulled out a stool and plopped down, drained. Her shoulders sagged. She held up her cut, swollen hands, and Angel gasped.

“Holy Shit, did you beat her up or something? Should I be expecting the cops?” Bree watched as Angel moved around the bar. Filling a towel with ice, he handed it across to her.

“Her sister, if it’s her sister, jumped me from behind when Portia and I went for a walk. I wasn’t expecting it, and then Portia jumped in, too. They took the weed. That, and they didn’t pay me. Now I’m at a loss for a hundred and twenty-five bucks. Oh,I got my punchesin, but there were threeagainst one. I think they had itplanned. They laughed at me and told me I was a stupid hick. It didn’t seemlike Portia wanted anything to do with it, but they egged her on to join. She didn’t have a choice. Still, I thought she liked me, I thought I found a friend who wantedme.” Bree wiped her nose on the ice-packed towel as Angel watched. It hurt his heart to see her upset, and it surprised him, knowinghe cared more than expected. Having tried to score with Cindi earlier, she had wanted nothing to do with it or him. She had said he was too old for her, and it stung. He pulled a beer out and mixed Bree a white Russian. She swallowed it down in two gulps and laid the glass on the bar. Angel watched the myriad of emotions cross her face.