Page 22 of Wishful Dreaming

Chapter Eleven

Back to the blue

Three weeks later

Stella wrung out the rag and wiped the kitchen counter down one more time. Pleased with what she saw, her hard work had left Lacey’s home tidy and smelling fresh. Her mind raced as she thought ofher daughter and grandson. She missed their faces and was happy they were returning, if only for a short visit. The breeze blew her floral curtains, the scent of the salt air, balmy and warm filling the home with a familiarity. She tucked the rag into her pail and locked the door behind her. Moving down the street, she made a left and headed towards home. Whistling a tune, she realized that she was happy. Her smile lit her face, and she switched gears and went to check on the cottages. A couple with a child were in the blue house, and the white one sat empty. Another tenant would check in later today, but thebungalow wasready.

Pulling a dead flower off the vine, she dropped it into her bucket, satisfied with everything looking good. She walked towards home and saw an unfamiliar car in her driveway. The large black sedan gleamed in the sunshine and she pushed her sunglasses up as she squinted at it. The rear door opened and Philippe jumped out. Seeing Stella moving his way, he closed the distance and grabbed her in a tight embrace. She giggled as the tears fell down her wrinkled face.

“My, you are a sight for sore eyes. I’ve missed you, my boy. How’s life across the pond? Is school going okay for you? Are you having fun?” Philippe nodded yes to everything and glanced back towards the car. Lacey slid out of the passenger side and moved towards Stella. Her eyes welled up with tears and Stella took her in a gentle embrace.

“Oh Lordy, how I’ve missed you. How’s the back? Has it mended? You are glowing, my child, oh my. It’s so good to see your face.” Lacey smiled through her tears and nodded, unable to speak.

“I’ve missed you too, I can’t tell you how much. It’s lovely over there but so damn frigid. I miss my sunshine here, I do. Horst and I are looking forward to the next two weeks. We’ve got so much to do, and I needto chatwith you later. There’s something bothering me I need to ask you.” Lacey smiled and Stella nodded.

“I’ll make time for you sweetie, always. Where’sthat handsome hunk? You brought him with you, right?” Horst appeared a moment later, his cell phone in hand, he finished a conversation and strode towards them. His head nodding up and down, he said goodbye and tucked his phone away.

“Hello Stella, always a pleasure to see you. I see not much has changed, surviving the storms, yes?” Stella shook her head.

“We had a doozy three weeks ago, but short of a fewdowned tree limbs, no major damage to this side, thank heavens. How are you? Taking good care of Lacey, here, I see.” Horst glanced at Lacey and tucked his hand into hers.

“How could I do anything but? She’s well fed with chocolates, the doctors say she’s healing, and she eats her weight in gold. I don’t know what I’d do without her.” He glanced out at the water and smiled.

“Adip in that blue waterwill feelamazing. It was a long flight andLace may need a nap soon.” Stella glanced at her and caught her in a yawn.

“I know, right? Long flights kill my tailbone, sitting forlong stretches, buta nap sounds delicious.” Horst nodded at Stella.

“Will there be a happy hour tonight? I brought a bottle of champagne along to contribute to the festivities. This air feels wonderful, I can tell my body is just sucking it right up. Can’t wait to shed these shoes and wigglemy feet in the sand.” Stella laughed and nodded.

“Happy hour is at seven. I look forward toseeingyou then. I’m just glad to see you back home again, I’ve missed you.” Lacey smiled, then headed towards the car.

“Oh, and I made sure your place is ready for you. Spic and span, you deserve a proper homecoming. Hope you like it.” Stella waved and headed past them and walked up the stairs and into the house.

A few minutes later, they arrived home. A large wreath now displayed on her front door, woven with fresh blooms and a welcome home ribbon. She unlocked it and moved into the living room. The fresh lemon scent permeated the room, and she felt a tear slip down her cheek.

“I’ve missed my little house by the sea, and Stella cleaned it up for us. That woman is a godsend.” Horst carried their bags in, followed by Philippe with his duffle bag.

“Can I go to Johnny’s? I won’t stay late, promise?” he wrote on his iPad and Lacey nodded.

“Have fun, sweetie,and don’t be a bother. Beback by dinnertime, please.” Philippe nodded, then tore out the door at full speed. Horst rubbed her shoulders.

“How are you holding up honey? Do you want tolie down, catch someneeded winks? I’ll take care of dinner, I don’t want to see you overdoing it.” She stifled a yawn and nodded.

“It will feel good to sleep in my bed, but now being so spoiled, I know it’s notas soft and sturdy as yours. Wake me in an hour, okay?” Horst locked his lips on hers and nodded. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

“Ifwe keep going, I’ll neverlie down. There’s athousand things I wantto do to your body. Okay, I’m going…” Horst opened the bedroom door, and she giggled when she saw the tall vase of flowers next to her bed, alongside the lamp.

She moved past Horst and picked up the golden lamp. Holding it to her chest, she closed her eyes and thought for a moment, then whispered into the top hole and gave it a quick kiss. Horst raised his eyebrows and glanced at her.

“Do I get to know what you wished for, my love? Or should I guess?” Lacey shook her head and smiled, sat the lamp down and pulled the blankets back.

“I was just wishing that my wildest dreams would come true. I couldn’t pick just one, so allowed many to fill my head, then I asked. If theycome true, I’ll tell you. I don’t think I’m supposed to say, I heard it won’t come true then.” Horst tucked her in and touched her hair. She smiled up at him and felt her eyes grow heavy.

“I love you Lacey. You are my wish come true,” he said, then turned and closed the door.


Lacey heard the lively banter coming from behind the house asStella’s laughter rose above the mingling voices. She followed Horst around the side of the house. He carried a champagne bottle in his hand and Philippe whipped past him and up onto the porch.