Page 21 of Wishful Dreaming

“Two weeks, then we’ll return. We’re going to have a splendid time andI know you’ll enjoy the warm weather too.” Philippe shrugged his shoulders.

“I like the cool air, and when we play outside for recess, it makes my cheeks pink. It feels fine to me,” he wrote on the device. Horst nodded and glanced at Lacey.

“He doesn’t mind the coolness here, so it must be your thin skin, my lady. But a holiday will be just what the doctor ordered, I hope.” They finished the meal and Horst worked on clean-up while Philippe went to do his homework. Lacey movedto the couch andflickedon the television. The world news flashed across the screen and she watched the latest hurricane track for her home. The islandlooked removed fromtheprojection,and she relaxed. She’d always feared being swept away by a storm, her house being small and with a high potential for flooding. Lacey was glad for Belle’s home, the safe zone in case of hard-hitting storms. She thought ofher dream and the words spoken. She had been in the hospital and Stella said that she was her mother. The conversation convolutedin her mind but last nightitcame throughcrystal clear. She shook it off and took a breath.

“That’s utter craziness,” she said and Horst poked his head around and glanced at her.

“What’s that love? What is craziness?” She gazedat him, her eyes tinged with sadness.

“The dream I had, it keeps repeating itself every few nights. I was in the hospital and Stella was telling me she was my mother. Isn’t that the darnedest thing you’ve ever heard? But it felt real, maybe it’s the lamp thing again. All I know is that the scene is on a fast track through my thoughts, like a movie reel going in repeat mode?It can’t be true, or maybe it’s my hormones kicking into crazy gear. I’ve known her for forever and if she was my mother, she would have said something. But why does it feel like it could bereal?” Horst touched her shoulder, then sat down beside her.

“You feel,the emotion isreal because maybe deep down inside your mind is giving you a mother. It answers your questions to your greatest fear. Perhaps it wants you to find peace, so giving you a story to claim as truth. I’llget you a doctor thatspecializes in these kinds ofproblems. Maybe they may haveinsight, I’m sorry I don’t. What if it was true, though? Have you thought ofthat? The question is, could it ruin the relationship you have with her?” Lacey shook her head and yawned.

“Ugh, I’m tired, and that meal set me over the edge. No,I would want to know why she didn’t want me, but I don’t think I could hate her over it. She’sa godsend to me, to Philippe forallthese years. I think I’d like it if she were. I don’t know. My mind is just abuzz with the whole dream. You’re right, maybe I’m just concocting stories to make sense of my fear and sadness.” She yawned again and Horst stood.

“Go lay down for a while, listen to your body. You’ve got more than yourself to worry over. I’ll wake you later and in the meantime, I’ll tend to Philippe, make sure he does his schoolwork. Do you want me to tuck you in?” Lacey smiled and shook her head no. Horst helped her up, and she moved to the bedroom. Closing the door behind her, she took a deep breath and felt the emotions rise within her once more.

“What if it’strue? I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask when we get home. I would hope she would tell me the truth, and part of me wants to believe it.” She crawled beneath the feather comforter and lay her head back on the thick soft pillow. Closing her eyes, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep, content and at peace.
