Page 23 of Wishful Dreaming

Belle and Sal sat together, shock etched on their faces, Belle blushed as Stella escalated the wild tale of passion. Willie was on the couch beside Stella, his eyes, as she spoke, were filled with unmasked emotion.She was regaling them with the latest storyline from her book, and she stopped mid stream as Philippe bounded into the room.

“Oops, big ears, I mean big eyes present, that’s my cue toshut up now.” Philippe ran first to Belle, and she wrapped him in a tight embrace. He held up his iPad, and she grinned.

“Oh my, that must help you communicate much easier, your typing fingers will be speedy in no time. Wow, check this out,” she said, her glance at Sal filled with wonder.

“I may need to get one of these fancy toys, imagine what they will invent in the next few years?” Philippe ran his fingers over the glass and he handed it to her with a grin. She typed a note back, and he grinned. Sal leaned over and read the words, then burst out laughing.

“We shall see, The Bills will win big this year, because he’s made his wish on the lamp and feels it.” Sal tousled his hair, rolling his eyes in jest.

“Yeah, stranger things have happened, kid, andI’ll bet you a dollar they won’t.” Philippe held out his hand and Sal shook his head.

“I’m not paying you, you’ll be paying me. Just you wait.” Belle slapped Sal on the arm and looked at Philippe.

“Don’t listen to him, he’s a fair weather fan, and he doesn’t know a good team from his butt.” Philippe nodded and stuck his tongue out at Sal.

“I’m going down to the beach, I’ll be back soon.” He handed the iPad note to Lacey who smiled and nodded.

“Leave this here, though. You don’t want to get sand or salt water on it or the ocean water will ruin it. Horst spent goodmoney to buy you that, you’ve got to treat it well.” Philippe nodded, waved to the group, and romped down through the dunes to the beach.

Belle stood up and hugged Lacey tight, staring into her eyes.

“Girlfriend, you look amazing. You wouldn’t have known you almost died a few months ago, now look at you. You’re glowing. Pasty without your normal tan, but the sun will refresh your complexion.” Belle held her away from her and looked her over from head to toe. Horst came up beside her and gave Belle a quick hug.

“Here, I’ve broughtchampagne to celebrate. We’re happy to be back, and I’m sure Lacey will suck in all the sun she can while we’re here.” Sal grabbed the bottle and took it into the kitchen, Stella in hot pursuit. Willie glanced aroundto see if Philippe was stillpresent. Grinning, he lit up a jointand took a long toke off it. He exhaled and handed it over to Lacey. She glanced at Horst, then shook her head no.

“I’m sorry, I can’t,still on the meds from the shooting. I can’t drink or smoke, sorry. Enjoy, though.” Willie handed it off to Sal, who took a small hit, then handed it to Belle. She nodded her head no.

“I’m good. This wine is fueling me enough. If I smoke that, I’ll fall asleep on you. That wouldn’t be much fun. So, how’s lifeacross the pond? I still can’t believe how amazing you look. It’s like you’re a different person, almost, I don’t know. You’regrown up or something. Maybe it’s just that I missed you so.” Lacey smiled and Sal came out with the open champagne andglasses. Horst stood up and smiled.

“It seems like forever since we’ve been here and it's wonderful to see youall again. Lacey has been pining away since she’s been coming off the meds. This is something I’ve wanted to do with her beloved friends present. I pray she’ll hold this moment dear to her heart.” He looked at Lacey, love filling his eyes as he dropped to one knee.

“I know your friends are your family, and how important they are in your happiness. I would like to know,sweetLace,will you be so kind as to become my wife?” Horst set the glass down and produced a small black box. He opened it for her and her eyes filled with tears. She glanced back up to see Philippe standing behind Horst, a bouquet of white roses in his hands. He nodded to Stella with a grin. Horst pulled the ring out. The huge Marquis cut diamond in the platinum band sparkled in the light. He held Laceys hand and waited for her reply.

Lacey caught her breath and glanced at everyone present, seeing the joy on their faces and then her eyes settled on Stella whowas crying like a baby.

“Oh, I didn’t expect this,oh my. Oh, yes, I would be happy to be your wife.” Her eyes spilled happy tears, as Horst wrapped her in his arms and held her tight. Philippe came up and wiped her tears away, picked up his iPad and typed. She nodded, and he enlarged the letters, then waited. Horst pulled away and grabbed his champagne glass.

“Oh, and we have another toast. Do you have any Dr. Pepper, Stella?” She nodded, slipped intothe kitchen. Returning a moment later, she handedthesodato Philippe. He cracked the top and waited to take his sip. He sniffed it and grinned, then looked to Horst, who nodded.

“So, without further ado, to the future Mr. and Mrs. Sommer and to…” He glanced at Philippe who took a quick sip and held up his iPad.

“The baby we’re having someday. Like someday, soon!” the print was enlarged, a heart emoji ending his words.He grinned from ear to ear as Horst wrapped his arm around the boy. He toasted andwatchedthe reactions from the group. Stella’sarm raised, ready to toast the couple, her hand trembled as tears filled her eyes. Belle jumped to her feet and ran to Lacey, holding her in a tight embrace, they bounced up and down as Belle squealed in delight.

“Oh my god, what awesome news? Holy Shit! You are just full of surprises. I knew you looked like a light, so bright and glowing. Oh my God, Lacey, congratulations! To both of you, I’m so happy.” She kissed her on the cheek and Horst stood by with his arm draped around Philippe. He grinned and touched Lacey on the belly.

“I keep thinking itwill be a girl, and we’ve gottime yet, so not too soon, but the time will fly by, so I guess soon enough. We thought it would be perfect to do this here, while we had everyone together. Thank you, you’ve made our day complete. I just pray the next wedding will go without incident.” Belle shook her head and smiled.

“I hope so, too. They neverfoundout whowas shooting, and I realized that we can’t live our lives in fear. Maybe it was just an accident, who knows? Hey Lacey, do you still have the lamp?” Lacey smiled and opened her bag.

“I wondered when you would want it back. I’m sure it still has many wishes to grant.”She pulled the lamp out and handed it back to Belle.

“My wishes havecome true, andtherestwillmaterialize, so your turn again, unless you’re handing it off to someone else?” Belle shook her head.

“I hadn’t decided yet, as things have been going smooth. Mom and Mick left after a week. It was gettingcrowded spending our first week married with them underfoot, but it’s always good to have family close. Will you be going back to Horst’s home? When baby comes, will you live hereoroverseas? Yikes!Look at me asking these nosyquestions, here, let me see that ring.” Lacey held up her hand and Belle nodded in approval.

“Horst, you have amazing taste, in both your future wife and jewelry. I’m happy for you both, I am.” Sal put his arm around Belle and looked over his shoulder at the opulent ring.

“Nice job, pal, now you have to set a date and all that fun stuff… Ifyou need my advice, I’ll tell you this… Elope.” Everyone chuckled as Belle slapped him on the arm.