“That is all true, but I do know these guysand they are only violent to those that betray them. They’re goodmen and trust me, you would be safe, unless of course one of themwants you.”

“I’ll be perfectly fine then.”

Harlow frowned as she looked at Hailey.“What do you mean?”

“I don’t have to worry about men wantingme. I never have anyone chasing me or …wanting to date me. I’ll be fine.”

She wanted to talk more to Hailey, but thewaitress brought their food over.

“Hailey, you do know you’re gorgeous,right?”

“No, I’m not. I might be pretty, but trustme, that’s the makeup.Everything else, I just don’t attract men, or friends, or much ofanything.” Hailey smiled. “It’s one of the reasons my parentsweren’t too keen on the idea of setting me up in business. Theydidn’t think I was going to be able to make it work. So far, sogood.”

Harlow didn’t know what to say to her.

Hailey was a sweet person. So kind. For the last couple of weeks,Harlow had been so absorbed with what she’d been going through, shehadn’t considered what Hailey might be dealing with.

In fact, there was a lot she didn’t knowabout her. The woman talked a lot more, even rivaling her when shedidn’t have all the shit going on inside her head.

Hailey moaned after taking a large bite ofher burger. “Holy crap, this is so good.” She took another bite.

Seeing the moment hadpassed, Harlow promised herself she wouldget to know her best friend a lot more.

She took a bite of her fry and then anotherone. Cutting up her salad, she mixed it around with her fries,loving the taste with avocado. It was one of the best things shehad put in her mouth.

“This is so good!” Hailey said, finishingthe last of her burger. “I think I’m done with frozen pizza.”

Harlow laughed.

“What do you say we have some cheesecakeand ice cream?” Harlowasked.

“I can’t,”Hailey groaned.

“You get the dessert. I’ll have an extra cup of coffee, but I’llbe back in a minute. I just need to use the bathroom.” She got toher feet and placed a hand on Hailey’s shoulder before heading intothe bathroom.

There was no one there. Going to thesinks, Harlow gripped the edge and took a deep breath. “It’s fine.It’s fine,” shewhispered to herself. Stepping into the stall, she pressed her faceagainst her hands, trying to keep it together. After using thetoilet, she flushed and then stepped out of the stall, only to stopwhen she caught sight of Hunter in the bathroom. “This is theladies’ room.”

“I know what room it is.”

“And let me guess, you don’t give a crap?You’re one of the Hell’s Bastards MC, so you can go anywhere andeverywhere you want. Screw the consequences, right?”

“You left your apartment?”

“So?” There was no point in expecting him toanswer her questions. Hunter was a law unto himself. The whole ofthe Hell’s Bastards MC were.

“And you think it’s a good idea to move in with a woman you barelyknow?”

She took a deep breath. When he put itlike that, she knew itmade absolutely no sense, but she wasn’t going to tell him that.Hailey was a good person. At least she believed it, and the otherwoman had given her no reason not to.

“Yeah, I do. Now, if you don’t mind, I wantto go and finish my meal with her.”

“Why are you being so fucking childish?”Hunter asked.

“Stop!” Harlow yelled the world. She didn’teven care if anyone heard her.


“Yes.” She stamped her foot. “Just stop.Stop it. Stop doing this to me. I get it, okay? You said it was over and it’s over, sowhy are you everywhere?” Harlow asked. She had tried to keep ittogether, but over the last couple of days, if not weeks, it feltlike everywhere she turned, he was there. It was getting to be toomuch.