“It changed the moment you came at me andyou were angry. You only cared about your pain and your betrayal.You didn’teven thinkabout mine or what I was going through.” Harlow placed tape overthe box, sealing it up. Seconds passed, long enough for Jude andBernard to arrive.

Harlow glanced over at her brothers. She hadalready swiped the tears off her cheeks. She wasn’t going to letthem fall anymore.

“Is everything all right?” Jude asked.

“Yeah, it’s cool,” Big Dick said. “I don’taccept what you say. This will be fixed.”

She hadnothing to say as she lifted her box and took astep toward her brothers.

Jude was thefirst one to grab the box from her. She didn’tfight him. Holding the keys to her old life in her hands, sheturned and looked back at Big Dick. “You’ve got to leave, or wouldyou like to hand these over to the landlord?” She held the keys upfor him to take, but he brushed past her, walking away.

Harlow closed the door and followed Judeand Bernard down the stairs. Her two brothers were talking about afootball game. At least she assumedthey were, but she tuned out. She delivered thekeys to the landlord, and followed them out to thetruck.

Climbing into the back, she looked out thewindow. Her brotherswere too distracted to see the man in the distance, but she sawhim. Hunter was standing in the shadows, watching. She looked away.There was no reason to give him the time of day.

Jude drove her to Hailey’s house, and hernew roommate was waiting with open arms. She took the box offherand waved at herbrothers, who had chosen not to come inside the house as they hadwork to do. Hailey pulled her inside, closing the door.

“This is going to be totally awesome.However, I did forget to order the pizza. What do you say to thetwo of us going to the diner?” Hailey asked.

Harlow wasn’t in the mood to cook, so sheagreed. Theypromised tomeet back in the main hall in half an hour. Stepping into herbedroom, Harlow looked at the boxes, knowing she was going to haveto do a lot of work.

She blew out a breath. Tomorrow wasSunday, so she’d work at dealing with all this stuff then. She madeher way into the bathroom, which felt so luxurious compared to her oldapartment. There was no rust or mold. Even though she wouldthoroughly clean the shit out of her apartment, mold would continueto appear, as would the damn smell. She grew to love the scent ofair fresheners. They had become her best friends.

Changing into a pair of jeans and asweater as it was still cold, she joined Hailey in the main hall.The other woman had curled her hair, applied fresh makeup, and evenwore a dress with tights and heels. She looked stunning.

“Wow,” Harlow said, pointing at her. “Youknow we’re going to the diner, don’t you?”

“Doesn’t mean a woman can’t use an excuse toget all pretty.” Hailey winked at her.

She wanted to contradicther, but decided against it. IfHailey wanted to dress, Harlow was not going to stop her. Seeing asher car was totaled in the accident, Hailey drove them back totown. It was a Saturday night, and it was a miracle they found aparking space. The diner was busy, but when they stepped inside,she spotted a small table for them. She had also noticed thatseveral of the Hell’s Bastards MC were present. Harlow ignored themas they took their seats.

“I am starving. What’s good here?” Hailey asked.

“The fries are good. So is the salad.” Shelooked up. “I’m vegan, remember, kind of limits a lot of stuff. Ido believe the burgers are great. Everything is good. Don’t worryabout what you order.”

“Crap, I totally forgot about you beingvegan.”

Harlow smiled.

“Do you want to go and eat somewhereelse?”

She shook her head. “Nah, I’m good. This is all fine. Trustme.”

“But I feel so bad.” Hailey winced.

“This is good food.” Harlow winked ather.

The waitress came over, the same one whogave Hunter her number.The same man who was in the corner with several of hisbuddies. She didn’t know if he even noticed she was there or not.Either way, she wasn’t going to be rude to the woman. She couldn’thelp but wonder if he was screwing this woman now. Cutting offthose thoughts, she forced a smile to her face and ordered herusual. Hailey ordered a burger and fries with a salad on theside.

“I feel so bad. Are you sure you don’t wantto go somewhere else?” Hailey asked.

“Nah, I’m good.” She kept a smile on herface, even though it sounded like the bikers were trying to beoverheard by everyone. It was getting harder to ignore them.

She had no idea what to say to Hailey to tryand distract the two of them. Hailey kept looking toward thebikers.

“Don’t worry about them,” Harlow said.“They’re harmless.”

Hailey laughed, butit wasn’t a natural one. “I find that hardto believe. Don’t they all have a reputation for being, you know,violent?”