“I am trying to move on. I am trying todeal in my own way, but you are always there. I stopped working atthe bakery so I wouldn’t have to run into you or my brother. I havemoved out of my old apartment because I hate it. I hate it there. Ilike Hailey. I like working at my new job, and yes, I know it’s allmoving so fast, but so what? Why does that matter to you? It isover, remember? You didn’t want me anymore. You had moved on. Iwasn’t good enough for you. I got the message loud and clear, buteverywhere I turn, you’re there. Stop and let me go.”
“You need to take care of yourself.”
“Do you know how hard this is?”she asked. “Do you have anyidea what you’re doing to me? You’re always there.” She shook herhead. “You don’t get it, do you?”
“Get what?”
She chuckled but itwasn’t a pleasant sound. It didn’t need tobe. “Of course you wouldn’t get it.”
“Get what, Harlow?”
“I love you,” she said.“I have loved you for a long time, so meand you together—us—it was a dreamcome true for me, and I … didn’t see you breaking itoff.”
“Don’t. I don’t need you to Harlow me. Iget it, I do. I was just an easy fuck for you. Someone for you toenjoy before you go back to those other women. I’m not stupid. Iknow you have no feelings for me. I know you don’t care, but I didand I still do. Ineedyou to back the fuck off and leave me alone. I was pregnant. Iwasn’t even far enough along for it to matter, but it did to me,and I need you to leave me alone. I need you to juststop.”
She held her hands out.
Hunter didn’t speak.
She felt close to the edge.
The last thing she wanted to do was cry,but evenher tears feltclose to the surface, threatening to spill over. She couldn’t standit.
“Harlow, I—”
“Don’t. There’s nothing you can say that will make this anybetter. Everything I had, it’s all lost. Please, just … move out ofthe way.”
She didn’t know if he was going to arguewith her or not, but then he suddenly moved aside and Harlow madeher escape. He didn’t try to stop her, and for that she wasgrateful. She didn’t want to be stopped.
Not by Hunter.
Not by anyone.
Chapter Seventeen
Hunter told the woman who had been tryingto get on his dick for the past five minutes to fuck off. He wasn’tin the mood. After heading into the big city to help deal with aproblem with Carlos Santiago, he had finally returned home after a couple of weeksaway, and all he wanted to do was drink.
“How was it?” Brick asked, coming to thebar and taking a seat.
“Boring as shit.”
“Did you solve the problem?”
Hunter glared at Brick. “Do you think Iwould be fuckingsittinghere if I hadn’t solved the problem?”
“Whoa, someone is in a bad mood,” Bricksaid.
“Fuck off.”
“Okay, just so you know, I don’t want to ride your dick at all.”Brick took a long slug of his beer. “But speaking of … you know,riding cock, what is your problem with all the womenhere?”
Hunter wasn’t interested in making smalltalk.
“Because, you know, a lot of people aretalking and some of them are suggesting that … you know, you’ve gota problem downstairs.”
“None of them fucking interest me,that’s all. They’veridden too much cock and expect too fucking much. I’m not after aporn star.” He wasn’t going to think about her. He refused to thinkabout her.