The bruises had long since faded but BigDick still hadn’t changed around him.Smokey was getting pissed with the two of them. AsVP to the club, there shouldn’t be any bad blood between him or anyof the members. Smokey had told him to deal with it.
Since Cadeon of the Twisted Bastards MChad let his presencebeknown, the cowardly fucks had gone to ground. Big Dick had beenable to find remnants of them crashing at an old barn, but it hadsince been emptied out, as had the old clubhouse. Hunter had afeeling Harlow had messed up their plans.
Cadeon clearlyhad a game he wanted to play, and it had onceinvolved Harlow but no more. As for Harlow’s boss, Hunter alreadyhad a couple of guys looking into her, and he didn’t like that theyhadn’t been able to find much of anything.
Harlow was better off and safer at thebakery, but he knew that wasn’t going to help her. She’d completelycut herself off, and she also wasn’t talking to her brothereither.
Big Dick and Harlow were stone-cold silent with each other. Nocommunication at all, for which he was responsible.
Brick snorted. “Areyou fucking serious, every guy wants aporn star? Most of these women will suck cock even if they have jawache, and you don’t even need to lick their pussies to do it. Notto mention the fact they will also swallow, which is so muchcleaner.”
“Piss off,” Hunter said.
“Suityourself, you’re missing out.”
Brick grabbed his beer and left him alone,which is exactly what he wanted. To be left alone, to dwell.
Rubbing a hand down his face, he couldn’thelp but seeher. Images ofher during their time together flashed in his mind. How happy shealways looked, especially when he held her.
He couldn’t help but wonder if she wasstill able to sleep soundly without his arms wrapped around her.Ever since he had broken it off, he had no choice but to invest ina life-size fuckingpillow, which was too big but it had to do as Harlow’s warmth.There was no doubt about it, he was turning into a fuckingpussy.
Then he couldn’t help but remember her inthe hospital. Laying inthat bed, looking so tired and helpless, their baby gone, lost inthe impact from the car. A chance, lost.
He tried not to think about the baby or whatmight have been. He had a feeling, Harlow would have kept the baby.Of course she would have, even after he ended it, she would havebeen an amazing mother.
“You want to tell me what’s going on?” Smokey asked, coming to takea seat beside him. Ava was nowhere to be seen, nor was Smokey’sson, Umberto. With Ava’s pregnancy advancing, they had trainedLarissa to do the bulk of the work at the bakery.
As far as he knew, everything was workingout at the bakery. The girls just missed having Harlow around. Shewas a natural in the kitchen.
He hadn’t seen Harlow in a few weeks. Thelast time he had seen her, she had told him she loved him. Fuck,that had messed with his head.
He had an idea that she loved him, but hedidn’t want to believe it. Young people didn’t know what love was,and they threw the word around as if it meant nothing. But withHarlow, he had a feeling she did fucking mean it. No, itwasn’t a feeling, heknew it to be fact. Harlow didn’t love easily. Big Dick had toldthem that.
“Nothing is going on,” Hunter said.
“You’re drinking and get several of our guyslooking into Hailey Valentine?” Smokey asked. “And you’ve gotnothing going on?”
“Where’s Big Dick?” Hunter asked.
“Upstairs in his room, has been since he gotback.”
Smokey ran a hand down his face and let outa sigh.
“You want to tell me what’s going on with you?” Hunterasked.
“Nothing is going on with me, Hunter.Dealing with each pieceof shit as it comes at me, and so far it feels like the whole fanhas been launching its shit at me, and I’m just trying to dodge thefucking spray.”
Hunter placed a hand on Smokey’sshoulder.He had afeeling Ava’s pregnancy was affecting him. The last time Ava waspregnant, after everything he had done to her, Smokey hadn’t beenable to be part of the pregnancy. It had been a struggle for him toeven be in her life.
“How did you know that Ava was the one foryou?” Hunter asked.
Smokey looked at him. “This is not where we have to sharefeelings, is it?”
“What made Ava different?You’ve been surroundedby willing and free pussy for a long time. I couldn’t help butwonder what made Ava so different.”
“She was.It was the way she made me feel. I loved beingaround her, and she had the power to make me laugh, to make …everything feel so fucking good. Even after everything thathappened, she was within her rights to get rid of the baby,ourbaby, but she didn’t. She keptit. How could I turn my back on a woman so strong, so fearless? Shehad every right to leave, to not look back, but she stayed. Ava isone hell of a woman, and I know how lucky I am to have her in mylife.”
Hunter thought about Harlow. She didn’t getthat chance but he knew Harlow would have loved their child. Hedidn’t know if Harlow would have allowed him into their child’slife, but he did know she would have been an amazing mother.