This was a big mistake on her part.She wasn’t privy to clubbusiness, but staying in sounded great right about now.

She tried not to tense as the guy who hadforced the dance came and sat beside her. His friend gainedHailey’s attention. Harlow made sure to grab her friend’s hand andnot let her go. There was no way she was letting her boss out ofher sight.

Staring atthe guy in front of her, without the closeness ofthe dance floor, she was able to detect other little features. Theink coming up around the base of his neck. The same over hisknuckles. The way he held himself. He was a man who knew what hewas doing, and she saw the outline of the gun at his side. It wassubtle, but she knew what she was looking for. Big Dick had taughther to do that years ago.

“What are you doing?” Harlow asked.

“Well, I see a pretty woman and I want tocome and talk to her.”

“Flattering.There are a lot of pretty women in this bar.Tonight, my friend and I just want to be left alone.”

“Ah, but if you wanted to be left alone,maybe you should have stayed home.”

Harlow gritted her teeth, because that wasexactly what she wanted to do, but now she was in thispredicamentand couldn’tsee a way out, which was pissing her off. She wanted to be free andclear but she had Hailey to think about.

“Is this how you get a woman to date you?”she asked. “You spend a great deal of time insultingher?”

He tutted. “I don’t try to get women todate me, Sugar. All I do is click my fingers and they’re ontheir knees begging.” He placeda hand on her knee. “What about you? Would you like to be on yourknees begging? I can overlook the other problems like you grabbingmy balls. It was cute, I have to admit, very fuckingcute.”

“I guess that’s what you can call me, aball of cuteness.” Harlow looked at him, and if he had truly beeninterested in her, for her, she might have considered it. “So, doyou want to tell me your name?”

The man before her smiled but he didn’toffer his name. Instead, he laughed and she watched as his jaw clenched.

“They’re coming,aren’t they?” he asked.

Harlow tensed up. “I have no idea whatyou’re talking about.”

“You’re a fucking shit liar.” He grabbedher wrist and began to squeeze it tightly. She opened her mouth andat the same time attempted to keep in her scream but it was provingto be a real struggle. She couldn’t think. “Make a sound, alertyour friend and then she will be involved. But shut your mouth, get to your feet, andI’ll make sure your friend is not hurt.”

She hated this. Ultimatums pissed her off,but forHailey she woulddo that. She let her friend go and he lifted her to her feet. Shedidn’t look back, not even as he led them toward the main door. Herheart was racing. She knew he was going to hurt her. There was nodoubt he was going to make her suffer.

This was not how he wanted to play it.

They stepped out into the night and sureenough, with no witnesses, the gun he had at his hip lifted and was pointed directly at herhead.

She also knew why, there, heading towardthem like a force themselves were the Hell’s Bastards MC. Her brother was there, as wasRaven and Smokey, Hunter, Brick, and several others, but shecouldn’t turn her head too far.

They all looked fucking furious. It betternot be at her. They were the ones who hadn’t been able to findthem. She hadn’t even been looking and he’d fallen right into herlap and now she was pissed off. This wassupposed to be a girls’ night, she and Haileyenjoying themselves, but club business had invaded that.

The man behind her tutted.“Look at the trouble youcaused,” he said, growling the words against her head.

“Maybe you should have thought twice aboutapproaching me.”

“Harlow!” Big Dick said.

“What? I’m not going to take the blame justbecause this man is a dick and didn’t know when to leave shitalone.” She couldn’t help but look toward Hunter and the moment shedid, she realized something. “It was you, wasn’tit! You filmed us, you sickfuck.”

The man behind her laughed.

“They did say you had attitude but I didn’tbelieve it. Not with how easily I saw you controlled by cock.” Heflicked his tongue down her cheek and Harlow cringed. This wasfucking disgusting. She hated him, no, that wasn’t even a strongenough word. This fucker had ruined everything. Well, he hadn’ttold Hunter to end things with her.

She looked toward Big Dick.

“Let me guess, the new leader of the TwistedBastards MC,” Smokey said.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“Do you have a name?” Hunter asked.