“Yeah, stupid fucker,” Harlow said.

He grabbed his hand around her throat andshe clawed at him.

“I suggest you be careful how you speak,”he said. “Your friends might be here, but that doesn’t mean you’resafe.” He had the gun pointed at her head and was still able to cutoffher air. She wasstruggling to breathe.

“Let her the fuck go!” Big Dick said.

“How about you lower your weapons to theground? All ofthem.”

Harlow felt her visiongetting blurry and he let her throat go.She sucked in oxygen, desperate to breathe. Desperate to live. Shedidn’t want to die.

Tears filled her eyes. She hated this.The power this man hadwas not right.

The sound of a car could be heard. “If youdon’t lower your weapons, then it’s quite simple, I take out your sister andseveral of your men. Do you think I came alone?”

He tightened his hold around her neck,once again cutting off air supply. Harlow couldn’t think, she couldonly beg and hope everything would be okay. She felt close to death, and then heallowed her to breathe.

With the guns lowered to the floor, hemoved them, keeping the gun pointed at her head.The car pulled up, and then he climbedinside, which forced her to her knees. He tightened his grip on herone final time.

“The name’s Cadeon, and I’ll be seeing youall soon.”

And with that, he shoved her forward.Harlow had to scramble to get away from the car as it nearly ranher over. She was covered in dirtand she pressed her face against her knees, aseverything seemed to go blurry. She had pain in herthroat.


She lifted her head as she heard Hailey’svoice. There was no doubt in her mind that therewould be bruising around her neck. Thetightness of his grip had seen to that.

“What happened?” Hailey asked. “Do you needto go to the hospital?”

“Who are you?” Smokey asked.

“I’m Hailey, her friend, and I am also her boss.” She frowned andlooked back. Her glance was brief as she then turned her attentionstraight to Harlow. “What happened? One minute you were holding myhand, and the next you were gone. You didn’t even answerme.”

“You ever hear of nightmare dates?” Harlowasked, hearing how hoarse her voice was.

“Yeah, I think so.”

“I just saved your ass from one.”With Hailey’s help, she got toher feet. “I think it’s time for us to head to your place and enjoythe rest of this night. Frozen pizza sounds pretty good rightnow.”

“Harlow, that’s not a good idea,” Big Dicksaid.

“I can’t drive us,” Hailey said. “I’ve hadtoomuch to drink and Ithink it’s impairing my vision. I’m not going to be able todrive.”

“I’ll drive you,” Kinky said.

Harlow didn’t think that was a goodidea.

“We can grab a taxi.”

“Damn it, Harlow, stop being a fucking bitchand just let us help you!”

“Why?” Harlow asked, getting to her feet.“You made it quite clearhow angry you are at me. How disappointed you are. I don’t needhelp from you, but if Kinky wants to drive us to Hailey’s place,then that’s exactly what we’ll do.”


“That was intense,” Hailey said. “I don’t think I’ve ever hadso much fun in one night.”

Harlow glanced over at her boss. She hadalready printed out the ordersfrom the night before. There were not too many of them. Allshe had to do was grab her little basket, go shop, package, and geteverything ready. It was strange how she enjoyed this process. Shehad never been big on cosmetics, but she was finding this a lot offun. She had no idea that lipstick could come in so many differentcolors. They were all so beautiful.