“I don’t give a flying fuck if you’re a badguy or not. Get your hands off me and you tell your friend to gethis hands off my friend.”

She tightened her hold and Harlow was ableto step back. After she did, she shook her head and then grabbedHailey’s hand, and together they stepped off the dancefloor. Harlow didn’t gooutside, she went straight to the bar, and used Hailey as ashield.

“What’s going on?” Hailey asked.

“Do me a favor andhide me, that’s all I need you todo.”

“Do you know him?”

“No.” Harlow’s hands shook, and sheclicked the call on her cellphone. She had dialed Raven’s number, and she just hoped the otherwoman answered her call.


Big Dick was pissed off. All theleads he’d followed werefucking dead. It was like someone from the Twisted Bastards MC hademployed someone to clean their tracks, which could only mean onething. They had been watched. They knew what he was capable of.They were doing this on purpose to run rings around him.

Running a hand down his face, he justneeded to clear his head. The attacks would keepcoming on the club if he couldn’t figureout where they were hiding. He didn’t even know what their nextplan was. They had become too complacent and that was fuckingeverything up.

The Shack was closed. The bakerywas being watchedtwenty-four-seven. They also had eyes on the new beautyparlor.

If they weren’t careful they were going to make a mistake andsomeone would get killed. Big Dick didn’t want to bury anyone. Thiswas his family, his life, and he wasn’t going to let anythinghappen to them.

“Harlow, I don’t understand, none of this ismaking any sense to me.”

Big Dick hadn’t spoken to his sister sincehe confronted her. Glancing over atRaven, he watched as she held her cell phoneclose, but the speaker was on.

Harlow let out a laugh and years ofexperience told him that was a fake laugh. Out of the corner of hiseye, he watched as Hunter came in close. His face was still badlybruised,and Big Dickwas happy to see that. The bastard shouldn’t have touched hissister. Harlow was fucking sacred property. No one was supposed totouch her.

He was so angry, but instead of sayinganything, he listened to Harlow. She wasn’t having a conversation,she was just talking.

“You know, you should really come downhere. Ryan’s Place is always that little bit twisted, you know, andI’m pretty sure there are some evil bastards around, and you wouldjust love it, honey. You know how you love a bit ofthat action.”

Raven frowned.

“Has she called the wrongnumber?” Avaasked.

Big Dickthought about what she was saying. “No, she’stelling us that the Twisted Bastards are at Ryan’sPlace.”

He was already heading for the door.

“What? How is that even possible?” Ravenasked. “She didn’t say a single thing.

“You should come down here.Ryan’s Placeis always a little bittwisted.And then something about evilbastards. I know my sister. This is her way of telling us they’rethere.” And he was going to trust it. So far, it was the closestclue they had gotten.

Heading out, he saw several of the guys,including Smokey and Hunter, straddling their bikes. Big Dick didn’t want Hunter alongfor the ride, but as a club, they had to be united, and he wasn’tgoing to let his issues get in the way of club business.

The more the merrier, and they didn’t know who they weredealing with.


“You’re going to have to leave,” Harlowsaid, turning toward Hailey.

“What? You make a very weird phone call andthen you expect me toleave? Did you invite your other friends? Is that what this isabout?” Hailey asked.

Harlow tried not to glance around the bar.She didn’t want to get Hailey into trouble. This was club business,and if it wasn’t for the fact she was pretty sure one of them justtried to dance with her, she would make a run for it as well.

The last time she faced against a TwistedBastard MC, it didn’t end well for her. she had the scar to proveit after getting stabbed. She also knew that bad shit happened toAvaas well asRaven.

But if she sent Hailey out in the cold,something could happen to her, and she couldn’t allow that either.Fuck.