She had her birthdayand he wanted to spend a couple morenights with her. He knew he was being a selfish bastard, but hewasn’t going to allow it to stop him.

Reaching into his jacket pocket, hegrabbed the small box and handed it to her. “HappyBirthday,” he said.

“You didn’t have to get me a present,” shesaid.

He knew that. But he had taken one look atthe bracelet and knew it was Harlow. She tore into the wrapping andthen the bow, beforeopening it up.

“Oh, my,” she said.

“If you don’t like it, I’ve still got the receipt, you canreturn it.”

“Don’t be stupid. I wouldn’t do that.” Shereached out and cupped his cheeks, kissing him. “I love it.”

Hunter took the bracelet and then placedit around her wrist, securing it in place with a singleclasp.

“There, alldone.”

She smiled and held up her wrist. “And itdoes fit perfectly.”

“Do you want your other present now orlater?”

“What is it?”

He took her hand and placed itover his cock. “I canwait, but you in that dress…”

Hunter didn’t know what to expect, but itcertainly wasn’t Harlow climbing over the car, and then moving tostraddle his lap. The dress had hiked up around her waist and shepressed her pussy against him. He had alreadyfelt the thin layer of her panties, and hewanted to remove them. He gripped them and heard them tear. Harlowlet out a gasp.

“They were mine!”

“And now they’re mine and you can focus onmy dick.” He ran his hands over her ass. “If youwant it, you’re going toneed to grab him out.”

“So like a man, making a woman do all thework.”

He let out a chuckle, but then hissed as shewrapped her hands around his cock, easing him out of his pants.

With her dress out of the way, he slid hishand down and cupped her pussy, and sure enough, she was soakingwet.

“Have you been thinking about me?” heasked.

“Only you.”

He loved that.

And alarm bells went off inside his head.This would be the perfect time to end it, but he couldn’t bringhimself to doit. Notyet. He was being selfish. He wanted more time with her.

Sliding two fingers inside her, he tried tostretch her pussy, making her ready for him. It didn’t matter howmany times he got her prepared for his cock, she was always sofucking tight. So wet. His dirty little woman.

Pulling his fingers from her tight cunt, hetook each digit into his mouth, sucking off her arousal.

“You taste so good,” he said. “I’m going tobe licking your pussy later.”

She giggled. “I’ll hold you to that.”

He was going to make her ride his face.

Lifting her up, he made her hold his dick toher entrance, lining up the tip, and then slowly he lowered heronto his dick. He slid deep inside her, inch by inch.

Harlowclosed her eyes. The car wasn’t big, so she couldn’t sitall the way up. Holding onto her hips, he pulled her down, makingher take every inch of him.