He didn’t want anyone to touch Harlow.
Moving the car into the shadows, heclimbed out and waited forher. She took a little longer than five minutes to make herway out of the bar, but that was to be expected. He was asking herto break rules.
He shouldn’t be alone with her. This putthem both at risk, but he didn’t want to go another second withoutfeeling her against him. Closing the distance, he banded an armaround her waist and then pressed a hand over her eyes.She let out a gasp and he felther tense.
“Don’t scream,” he said. He also had afeeling Harlow wouldn’t have any issue with punching his balls.
He loved her fire, her passion. It was part of her personality thathe found addictive.
“You’re so fucking stunning,” he said.
Spinning her around, he moved her back sothey were once again in the shadows, and he pressed her against thewall of the bar. Harlow didn’t fight him. Her hands went to hischest, and then slowly began to glide up, until she circled hisneck, holding ontohim.
Placing his hands on her sides to startwith, he felt her waist, then curved out to her hips, then he sliddown and gripped the fullness of her ass. The dress fit her like asecond skin.
He had known from snooping around herapartment, that she didn’t have a lot of possessions. When Ravensuggested this party, he’d known Harlow wouldn’t have anything towear, so he’d made sure to provide her with asuitable dress. She looked absolutelystunning.
He wanted to fuck her so badly.
Twenty-one years old. He was fucking cradle robbing. He was somuch older than her. Hunter had prided himself on wanting olderwomen. Married women. Women with experience.
Harlow had broken all his rules and what wasworse, he didn’t want her to be married. Not for a single fuckingsecond.
His balls ached for her.
He needed her.
Wanted her.
And it had only been this morning since helast had a taste of her.
He knew their timewould start running out soon. He expectedto be bored with her by now, but she was still under hisskin.
Sliding his hands up her body, he sunk theminto her long thick brown locks, gripping the back of her head andpulling her in close to kiss those full ripe lips.
She looked so fucking beautiful.
And she is all mine.
She’s only had my dick.
She only wants me.
There was no one else.
Until he let her go. Then he couldn’t stopher from having other men. Just the thought of her beingwithother men made himgrowl. Breaking the kiss, he grabbed her hand and led her back towhere he’d parked the car. The ignition was still going as he’d putsome heat into the car.
He opened the passenger side door,helped her inside, and thenclosed it. Rounding the car, he climbed behind the wheel and thensat for several seconds.
“Are you okay?” Harlow asked.
Glancing in her direction, he saw her lipswere a nice shade of red from kissing him.
“I’ve got you a present.”
No, he wasn’t okay. Harlow wassupposed to be a quick fling.She shouldn’t still be in his system. If he didn’t end this soon,Big Dick was going to find out.
He knew he had to endit. Soon. But not tonight.